Just an update guys on where we are now.
Applied DLA and had assessment with ATOS on 15th May. Which suprisingly went well as the Dr was independent and did not work for DWP or ATOS.
While at the assessment, I answered as many of their questions as I could, but Bea my wife stepped in as I was becoming confused. At the end of the assessment the Dr suprisingly asked us to hold on a few minutes.
Here's me thinking did we do something wrong? And then she spins the PC Monitor around and went through the DWP descriptors with us and the points she had awarded. To qualify for care I needed 12 points - on screen I had 28 points.
To qualify for mobility I need 12 on screen - it was 15 points. She stated that she would be writing a report to DWP saying I warrant being on DLA/PIPs. Just waiting their decision and spoke with them yesterday as I received a letter to say they had all the info they needed and they say about 2 or 3 weeks till decision is made.
On 19th June we go back to court to Upper Tribunal to fight our case and the stress is killing us. But hopefully, DLA/PIP will come through before then. If it does, then game over. If not, we go through the mill at court.
So fingers crossed either way