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Thread: bloody two faced people

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    bloody two faced people

    Well would you believe it,
    I mentioned about our holiday dates and one minute we did not get the dates we wanted then the next we did get them, right bare with me a minute,
    Ems works 7 days on 3 off then 7 on and then 4 off and so on, so xmas day and boxing day and the next are her off dates so thats the start of our holiday,
    I mentioned that they wanted Ems to come back to work on the 30th 31st and new years day too, so em said she would work her xmas days if she could have the 30th 31st and new years days of which they agreed,
    Well the two faced so called friends and work colleges are up in arms about this and did a protest , poor Ems all upset and does not know where to turn, and i am upset for her,
    I told her to go to the manager and tell them to return her dates and stick to what they did in the first place , even though they need staff for over xmas , F---KING some people smile to your face and wish you luck and then stab you in the back , still angry

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    Well would you believe it,
    I mentioned about our holiday dates and one minute we did not get the dates we wanted then the next we did get them, right bare with me a minute,
    Ems works 7 days on 3 off then 7 on and then 4 off and so on, so xmas day and boxing day and the next are her off dates so thats the start of our holiday,
    I mentioned that they wanted Ems to come back to work on the 30th 31st and new years day too, so em said she would work her xmas days if she could have the 30th 31st and new years days of which they agreed,
    Well the two faced so called friends and work colleges are up in arms about this and did a protest , poor Ems all upset and does not know where to turn, and i am upset for her,
    I told her to go to the manager and tell them to return her dates and stick to what they did in the first place , even though they need staff for over xmas , F---KING some people smile to your face and wish you luck and then stab you in the back , still angry
    Despicable workmates and weak management, tell 'em you've already booked a holiday to the tune of untold £ hundreds as they agreed the dates

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i would and i would tell anyone to there face if they had a problem , but i dont work there and Ems has to, the problem is that half the people who cannot have there so called dates will ring in sick anyway,

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    i would and i would tell anyone to there face if they had a problem , but i dont work there and Ems has too, the problem is that half the people who cannot have there so called dates will ring in sick anyway,
    Ems was in first, after untold delay, they agreed the dates now not in 2 months time when these wasters will phone in. It's their problem I'd write the management a " for the sake of good order" type letter just confirming your position that you booked an unchangeable holiday as soon as they finally, after much unwarranted delay agreed the dates with her. Tossers

  5. #5
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Ded is absolutely right. Leave was granted and holiday was booked immediately. I would be taking my wife on holiday and let all the scumbags argue the toss among themselves.

  6. #6
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    What's the betting these are all women. .renowned for bitching and talking behind folks back at work or anywhere else come to think of it. ....Steve, you gotta tell Em's to toughen up and tell these slags where to get off

    I'd have to go down there myself

  7. #7
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I'd stick to the dates given and stick my fingers up to the two faced people. We have so many at my work it's untrue. I just go in, do my job and make no fuss. But then you have people that want to stick the proverbial spoon in and stir up trouble.
    I am working Christmas and boxing day and could quite easily have booked them off at the start of the year. But as a single man with no children I prefer to let those with kids book it off. But the is one person who is in her 50's that seems to get christmas off every year and all her kids are grown up and live abroad. As far as I gather she just gets pi**ed and doesn't do anything else. I've complained before that she should let others have it, but she continues to get it year after year.

    Anyway, what ever happens I hope you get away for a decent holiday and dont worry about backstabbers at work,

  8. #8
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    Steve, my 2 centavos worth, from personal bitter experience.

    The advice given is right and wrong, good and bad. It all depends.
    Very easy to be strong strong as an outsider.

    Personal experience has taught me that only our wives can find the best way for them.
    In so far as they want to continue in that employment then they are the ones who have to work in that environment and they are the ones who will face the consequences of any decisions they make and behaviours they adopt.

    We all have to survive and we all have different strategies to achieve that with peace and happiness.

    My wife admits it has taken her 2 years to 'grow a horn and a tail' (her words) but now she take no from anyone if she knows she's right and she knows just how to handle the small minded gossiping troublemaking 's - and there are many.

    My advice is to be an outlet for Emm's listen, support and be there. But let her be the one to decide whether you agree deep down or not.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    No offence Steve, I get just the same thing happen to my wife.

    In fact she had tried to book yesterday as leave since she had a hospital appoinment for conductive nerve and muscle test. But her work sat on the request for 3 weeks then told her she can't have it as 4 weeks notices is needed.
    She kicked up one almighty stink and eventually they said she can attend the hospital with pay but must come to work immediately after.
    Not ideal but she accepted as she felt she had made her protest and her point and was happy to go back after her test and after the lunch I treated her to.
    Personally I'd have wanted something different, but I support her decision

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Steve, my 2 centavos worth, from personal bitter experience.

    The advice given is right and wrong, good and bad. It all depends.
    Very easy to be strong strong as an outsider.

    Personal experience has taught me that only our wives can find the best way for them.
    In so far as they want to continue in that employment then they are the ones who have to work in that environment and they are the ones who will face the consequences of any decisions they make and behaviours they adopt.

    We all have to survive and we all have different strategies to achieve that with peace and happiness.

    My wife admits it has taken her 2 years to 'grow a horn and a tail' (her words) but now she take no from anyone if she knows she's right and she knows just how to handle the small minded gossiping troublemaking 's - and there are many.

    My advice is to be an outlet for Emm's listen, support and be there. But let her be the one to decide whether you agree deep down or not.

    Different strokes for different folks.

    No offence Steve, I get just the same thing happen to my wife.

    In fact she had tried to book yesterday as leave since she had a hospital appoinment for conductive nerve and muscle test. But her work sat on the request for 3 weeks then told her she can't have it as 4 weeks notices is needed.
    She kicked up one almighty stink and eventually they said she can attend the hospital with pay but must come to work immediately after.
    Not ideal but she accepted as she felt she had made her protest and her point and was happy to go back after her test and after the lunch I treated her to.
    Personally I'd have wanted something different, but I support her decision
    wise words yet again my friend

  10. #10
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    thanks all for your words, its hard to think we must protect our wives/partners, we think they need all our help, but they do surprise us many many times,

  11. #11
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Don't worry Steve, Emma will get used to it and then it will just be water off a ducks back, my personal advice would be never tell your so called workmates when you are on holiday and what they don't know won't hurt them!

  12. #12
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Don't worry Steve, Emma will get used to it and then it will just be water off a ducks back, my personal advice would be never tell your so called workmates when you are on holiday and what they don't know won't hurt them!
    Good advice lol

    I'm wanting 6 weeks off in June/July next year. But I can't book it until January at work, that and I am not sure on the dates I want yet. So for that reason I haven't told anyone the amount of time I intend to take. Because there are some spiteful people that will try to book the time off before me just because they can!.... I am lucky that the man in charge of the staffing/holiday rotas has in principle said I can have 6 weeks off, but did warn me he wouldn't stop anyone booking time off in June/July if they got in first. My problem is my other half isn't too sure yet herself when she can get out of her contract and return home.... I have told her I need to know by the end of January at the very latest and hope that isn't too late.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    It's always advisable never tell anyone when you are going away. I had a neighbour who was so excited about going on holiday he told everyone at work and the local pub, and within 24 hours of going away his home was burgled. Two weeks after his return the police contacted him and the burgler was one of his workmates!

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    It's always advisable never tell anyone when you are going away. I had a neighbour who was so excited about going on holiday he told everyone at work and the local pub, and within 24 hours of going away his home was burgled. Two weeks after his return the police contacted him and the burgler was one of his workmates!
    I read somewhere that most burglaries are committed by people who know the victim.

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