Couldn't deliver the package because there is £1.50 excess postage to pay.
Did I order anything ? NO
Am I expecting a valuable gift ? NO
Would anyone send me cash in a package ? NO.
You can bloody well keep it !![]()
Couldn't deliver the package because there is £1.50 excess postage to pay.
Did I order anything ? NO
Am I expecting a valuable gift ? NO
Would anyone send me cash in a package ? NO.
You can bloody well keep it !![]()
This happened to me once and i paid the money only to find someone had sent me a card that was over the size for a normal 1st class stamp. Ironically, the person who sent it actually worked for the post office as a postman.
I think your right to let the post office keep it. They will just destroy it eventually.
It says on the card that they return to sender after 28 days.
So anyone who needs to know it has my phone number.![]()
Quite right, Graham; who knows ...... might even have been from the 'Readers Digest'
- "chancing their arm"!
Oh, I really LIKE the Readers Digest. It's just the lifetime of 'crap' that gets sent with it.
Mum and dad got it every month, and to be fair, also acquired some excellent books through their book club.![]()
Yes ... so do I, Graham. Equally,with the sentiments you've expressed so eloquently
regarding the (not altogether unjustified) notoriety they've acquired for sending out unsolicited material - e.g., the likes of the odd volume of their condensed books - [purportedly] on a "FREE TRIAL" basis. And you and I both know what that usually implies.
Yes....they've got you on the hook.![]()
At our sorting office if you take the card down they'll show you the item - you can then refuse it
Yes, same at ours Dedworth...just that they've moved the sorting office to some industrial estate in the middle of nowhere now. Don't know what OAPs without transport are supposed to do.![]()
Likewise with ours, Graham. It's now located over 3 miles from where we live at the opposite end of town ... meaning we're forced to either undertake two double bus trips to get there & back, or use "Shanks's Pony" - both of those options being much too time~consuming for my liking.![]()
Well Arthur, I figure if it was important enough, the sender would contact me and let me know. Otherwise, stuff it.![]()
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