Just wondering if you get any stares or comments?
Just wondering if you get any stares or comments?
In the Philippines we get a lot of stares, smiles and sometimes whispers but didnt get any stares whatsoever here. At first, I didnt like it but I get used on ignoring them all.
to tell the truth Andy , when out with Ems and we are in shops i always stand back while Ems is looking at things and you watch other people look at her ,i smile and think yes she is all mine,
As a couple, not really, but just seeing a 6ft white man attracts interest but not everywhere in the Philippines I've been to.
Sipalay City, Northern Zambales and to an extent, Pampanga, people do stare, but not in
Siquijor, Dumaguete, Boracay, Valenzuela, Bacolod & Bohol.
Got a lot of stares from fellow white men in Angeles though.![]()
Andy its the best feeling in the world when the likes of myself who is 19 years older than my wife and at 24 she looks more like 18 and gets asked for ID sometimes when she buys a lottery ticket
I actually lavish in the looks we get sometimes especially from friends of my ex, I just slowly put my hand and stroke her backside, she doesn"t mind but the look on others faces says it all...![]()
I know the feeling!![]()
I used to get lots of looks, because the ex was gorgeous...of course.
Also lots of looks when I was out with the 3 kids, possibly because they were/are very different in appearance from each other.
I always felt proud.
It's an interesting question.
I just don't seem to notice any more. but when we first came back to UK I did notice......so did my wife.
Firstly, IMHO all Filipina's look young. Some look very young. Much younger than their actual years.
Secondly, IMHO all Filipina's look beautiful.
Thirdly, Filipina's are significantly smaller (more petite) than others.
Lastly, despite the world getting smaller, interracial relationships are still of some interest to many. So, when the lady looks so young, petite and beautiful many folks want to take a second look, for all sorts of reasons.
Just my 2 centavos
Thanks for your comments appreciated but my appologies for not asking the question correctly. I meant about the way people here in the uk react when they see that your with a much younger and gorgeous women.
i have never seen anyone react to me in any manner
Only reactions i get is stares which i put down to is people thinking to themselves wow what a beautiful woman that lucky guy is with
People don't tend to comment although they sometimes look. I know what the blokes are thinking so it never bothers me.![]()
Well, I've been married to 2 filipinas....the first wife was a good 12 inch shorter than me, not that it bothered us..I did notice loads of stares in the shops etc. I thought it came with the territory...it later became annoying.
My 2nd wife ..same sort of age (20yrs age gap) as my first filipina wife but, this time the same height as me. It was like being married to a fellow westerner..we hardly got noticed, (she was even more beautiful than the first) let alone draw attention ...only time when folks looked was when the babies came along.
Now it's different again..I'm like a lost sheep
So now we gotta do it all again....some day![]()
If you truly love someone, never let them go.
Shall we put something cheerful on ?![]()
That's good Mark. Keep it that way.
It's been a hard road for me this past 10 years I must admit, and if it wasn't for my boy needing me...![]()
This is it..we got our boysWe have reasons to carry on. They will keep us young..if only at heart
I know im all laughing and jolly now..I know im going to have bad times ahead..especially when it's known I'm happy..this is how it works..control, manipulate and stick the boot in...this is one dimention I could do without but, heyho, as they say.
That's right.![]()
I've noticed nowhere near as much attention as I thought there would be. I've looked out for it to notice, I don't think wifey has though.
Had the occasional hard stare from much older women, and I'm sure I know exactly what they're thinking.
Very occasionally I've had a knowing smile from other guys my own age or younger. Only near hostile response I've noticed or cared about was some middle aged guy driving past in a car park, making some sort of immature "yah yah" noise. Wasn't some chav either, it was "Mondeo Man", you know the sort - hard to describe bit wide faced, slightly slack jawed but looks after himself, you just know he will be a manager in sales, or owns his own window company etc. His wife tends to be a carbon copy, dripping in jewellery, bingo wings but not really fat as such.
They can think what they want frankly. I got the jackpot (We all did on here huh), and as for any older people taking the huff because I'm not with some sour faced bag, well I'm sure they are comfortable with the fruits of the taxes my wife is paying contributing towards this country a damned sight more than either of us take out![]()
lots of stares and smiles at me here in cainta, im a celebraty![]()
Interesting comments I will just have to wait and see. My mates have seen pictures of her and me and want to meet her. Dont worry they are all decent guys I think. But the family come first and they approve of me marrying her and I suppose thats a step forward. My daughters from a previous marriage have chatted to her on the webcam and really got along well. Although I know they will spoil my stepchild rotten. Like some have said on here though I wont mind the staring. Others can think what they want.
Yes, andy222 me and my husband notice some stares... But now we are used to it, he will always say in a jest "watch out for shifty eyes" and we will laugh.![]()
Having the full support of your family here in the UK is a massive step in the right direction..It's not to be underestimated. The importance of it is so great
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