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Thread: typhoon yolanda

  1. #1
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    typhoon yolanda

    please help me pray for all filipino people who are affected to the typhoon,particularly people in daanbantayan cebu my hometown,cant help but to worry.havent heard my family since last night.

  2. #2
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    I can't say for sure.......but most reports indicate that Cebu has escaped the worst of the storm.
    Our prayers are with your family and all those who have suffered.

    Sometimes it's hard for many folks to understand just what it's like to lose absolutely everything with no 'social safety net' to help getting back on your feet.

    A lot of power and communications networks have been 'powered down' to minimise risk.
    Hope you'll manage to make contact soon.

    Stay positive

  3. #3
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    My Facebook friends from Philippines haven't been online since last night. ..that's folks living in Manila across to Bicol down to's as if all power is off

  4. #4
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Listening to the radio this morning and during an interview you could initially hear the wind- sounded awful.
    I agree and hope it passes without too much devastation and loss to life.

  5. #5
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    havent heard from my family until nowbreaks my heart.i heard in the news my hometown is one of the isolated vehicles can passes through bcoz of all falling trees,debris,no food and of my friend in facebook also from daanbantayan but in different barangay,he said only 3 houses remained stand in thier area but so sad right now.i dont know whats happening my family.

  6. #6
    Respected Member chrisincebu's Avatar
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    My fiance here is also waiting to hear from her Sister and Brother from Malapascua.
    There is no power in Bogo and alot of the surrounding area, hopefully you can hear something soon, God Bless.

  7. #7
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    Also awaiting news here from biliran leyte, our family there, wifes mum and dad, sisters and the kids/young kids,,

    worrying times, no signal for the phone, it looks like leyte has had it really bad, our thoughts and prayers are also with all the people

  8. #8
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    haven't heard from my family as well.. they live in kananga, it's between ormoc and tacloban leyte.. last time i spoke to them was thursday 1am their time. it's really frustrating..
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  9. #9
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I sincerely hope everyone is ok Bhem bhem, also to any other forum members who cannot contact relatives hope you hear something soon!

  10. #10
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bhem_bhem View Post
    haven't heard from my family as well.. they live in kananga, it's between ormoc and tacloban leyte.. last time i spoke to them was thursday 1am their time. it's really frustrating..
    im hoping ang praying that your family are ok coz based on the news covered by mr ted failon how devastated the whole tacloban if u can watch it via tv patrol news.when he describe about the storm surge,it was goosebumps.cant help but to cryi think the video he was cover is in san jose tacloban.

  11. #11
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisincebu View Post
    My fiance here is also waiting to hear from her Sister and Brother from Malapascua.
    There is no power in Bogo and alot of the surrounding area, hopefully you can hear something soon, God Bless.
    my friend said also from malapascua 90 percent are washed out even thier 3 storey house been destroyed,because they just near in the sea.let just hope and pray.

  12. #12
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alesypalsy View Post
    Also awaiting news here from biliran leyte, our family there, wifes mum and dad, sisters and the kids/young kids,,

    worrying times, no signal for the phone, it looks like leyte has had it really bad, our thoughts and prayers are also with all the people
    yes base on the news leyte is the most affected particularly in tacloban,i hope all your loved ones are all fine.

  13. #13
    Respected Member bhem_bhem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mendoza82 View Post
    im hoping ang praying that your family are ok coz based on the news covered by mr ted failon how devastated the whole tacloban if u can watch it via tv patrol news.when he describe about the storm surge,it was goosebumps.cant help but to cryi think the video he was cover is in san jose tacloban.
    the last time i spoke to my mum, my dad is in tacloban attending a seminar.

    if i'm not heavily pregnant, i will go to philippines asap. it's so sad i'm not fit to travel now.
    ''The grass may be greener on the other side of the fence but there still gonna be on it''

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chrisincebu View Post
    My fiance here is also waiting to hear from her Sister and Brother from Malapascua.
    There is no power in Bogo and alot of the surrounding area, hopefully you can hear something soon, God Bless.
    Check out this Malapascua Facebook link

    The good news is there's no casualties despite a significant amount of storm damage.
    Looks like the site gets updated quite often

  15. #15
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    Heres one for Biliran also but we are yet to find out any news

  16. #16
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    My Fiancée lives in central Cebu. Power is back on there now and the worst of the weather seems to have gone now. I'm not sure how much damage there is there.

    Hoping you all get in touch with you're loved ones soon.

  17. #17
    Respected Member chrisincebu's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Check out this Malapascua Facebook link

    The good news is there's no casualties despite a significant amount of storm damage.
    Looks like the site gets updated quite often
    Good link thanks. Looks like a few more of the resorts are giving the news more frequently now.

  18. #18
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Thinking of you both Mendoza82 and Bhem_Bhem and praying that you hear from your families soon

  19. #19
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    just finished talking to my brother he just get back to cebu city from our hometown in daanbantayan,very painful,sad how he described our barangay,nothing left,our house is one of the houses stand still but its roofless,the kitchen area and living area gone,all the things gone,no food,water,,clothes and they have to travel to the city to buy food more or less 3 hours travel..very sad cant help but to cry.but still thankful that everyone is dad said first time ever happened in his existence..

  20. #20
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mendoza82 View Post
    just finished talking to my brother he just get back to cebu city from our hometown in daanbantayan,very painful,sad how he described our barangay,nothing left,our house is one of the houses stand still but its roofless,the kitchen area and living area gone,all the things gone,no food,water,,clothes and they have to travel to the city to buy food more or less 3 hours travel..very sad cant help but to cry.but still thankful that everyone is dad said first time ever happened in his existence..
    Pleased for you that your family are ok Mendoza!

  21. #21
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    Our thoughts are with you all.

    Not only that, but surely this Forum is proving helpful in providing updates and links, and as a means for those members who have internet to keep in touch.

    Of all its useful functions this must rank among the most important.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by mendoza82 View Post
    just finished talking to my brother he just get back to cebu city from our hometown in daanbantayan,very painful,sad how he described our barangay,nothing left,our house is one of the houses stand still but its roofless,the kitchen area and living area gone,all the things gone,no food,water,,clothes and they have to travel to the city to buy food more or less 3 hours travel..very sad cant help but to cry.but still thankful that everyone is dad said first time ever happened in his existence..
    Very sad, so sorry about the house but very relieved to learn that your family are safe.
    Thanks for the update mendoza

    I really understand the feelings when everything is lost and just gone. So many things that can never be replaced. I've experienced it both personally here in UK and quite a few times with the extended family back in the Philippines.

    Be strong and give whatever support you can whenever you can.

  23. #23
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    thank you sir terpe,it just so hard when you know how they are suffering and yet i can do nothing but just to support them with money to buy thier needs.but the feeling that i want to see and hug them that break my heart into brother said he wanted to cry when he saw my other siblings and parents who experienced the typhoon,but he hold back coz he knows everyone will cry,what he did he pretend to go to neighbors to see what happened but he just walked away to cry and didnt let my family see.PAINFUL

  24. #24
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    one thing that I hate to see is looting ive just watched hundreds of people walking out of the gasiano with t.v,s alsorts of stuff now you can understand food getting looted but electricals come on thats just dam criminal .I suppose others will say everyone for themselves but its not my opinion thats for sure most people have morals .to see people take advantage during a calamity gives the rest of the world a bad impression of the philippino people its just plain wrong.but then again there own goverments dip their hands into goverment coffers they don,t set a very good example do they ?

  25. #25
    Respected Member steve monty's Avatar
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    Mendoza82, I'm glad to your family are safe and well. I hope everyone else receives good news soon and are able together in contact soon.

    I hope the relief effort manages to get food and water soon to residents in the affected area. As this tragedy could get worse if this doesn't happen.

  26. #26
    Respected Member steve monty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    one thing that I hate to see is looting ive just watched hundreds of people walking out of the gasiano with t.v,s alsorts of stuff now you can understand food getting looted but electricals come on thats just dam criminal .I suppose others will say everyone for themselves but its not my opinion thats for sure most people have morals .to see people take advantage during a calamity gives the rest of the world a bad impression of the philippino people its just plain wrong.but then again there own goverments dip their hands into goverment coffers they don,t set a very good example do they ?
    I agree, not a good sight to see. I can understand food and water being looted, but not electrical equipment. Though these people have just lost everything they own, they don't have home insurance to claim these items back. We could buy most of these things in a months pay, whereas they work for years to buy material things which were snatched away from them in 24 hours by this storm. These people are in a desperate situation.

  27. #27
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve monty View Post
    Mendoza82, I'm glad to your family are safe and well. I hope everyone else receives good news soon and are able together in contact soon.

    I hope the relief effort manages to get food and water soon to residents in the affected area. As this tragedy could get worse if this doesn't happen.
    thank you my area in daanbantayan have no relief goods come yet.

  28. #28
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    one thing that I hate to see is looting ive just watched hundreds of people walking out of the gasiano with t.v,s alsorts of stuff now you can understand food getting looted but electricals come on thats just dam criminal .I suppose others will say everyone for themselves but its not my opinion thats for sure most people have morals .to see people take advantage during a calamity gives the rest of the world a bad impression of the philippino people its just plain wrong.but then again there own goverments dip their hands into goverment coffers they don,t set a very good example do they ?
    i agree with you,i dont know maybe people are so desperate after what happened some lose members of the family,houses,everything actually,but then again lotting is not the my hometown no casualties thanks god to that but the damage in tacloban same as our town people there beg for rice,money,clothes BUT not lotting

  29. #29
    Respected Member mendoza82's Avatar
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    Looting i mean

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    one thing that I hate to see is looting ive just watched hundreds of people walking out of the gasiano with t.v,s alsorts of stuff now you can understand food getting looted but electricals come on thats just dam criminal .I suppose others will say everyone for themselves but its not my opinion thats for sure most people have morals .to see people take advantage during a calamity gives the rest of the world a bad impression of the philippino people its just plain wrong.but then again there own goverments dip their hands into goverment coffers they don,t set a very good example do they ?
    Totally understand and agree Brian. It's upsetting to see. It's not a cultural thing it's human nature. It happens everywhere.
    Although I never heard of it happening in Japan at anytime.

    Beats me what they're going to do with a tv......where they going to put it?

    Criminality never ends....even in the face of such human devastation.

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