(as of 4:25PM, Saturday, November 9, 2013)

Donors are advised to conduct due diligence before donating money directly to personal bank accounts. Ask the organization or individual receiving the deposit for an acknowledgement receipt and how they intend to spend the money.

For corrections or edits, please email: or make a comment in the comments page.

•DSWD is accepting donations: NAIA Chapel Road, Pasay City (at the back of CAAP)
•Roel Montesa - 09263469927,

•Elma Pille -

•Cash deposits accepted - DSWD Acct. Nos. 3122-1011-84 (current) and 3124-0055-81 (savings) Fe Catalina Ea - 09186281897
•Repacking of relief goods ongoing at DSWD-NROC, Pasay City. Interested volunteers can call 8512681 to schedule.
•World Vision, an international Christian humanitarian, development and relief organization is accepting donations for Typhoon Yolanda survivors. Donor hotline 372-7777 or visit their website
•Operation Walang Iwanan - Gawad Kalinga
•World Food Programme Philippines is accepting donations through their website
•ABS-CBN Sagip Kapamilya pledge lines (02) 411-0183, 411-0182, 411-0115
•The Philippine Red Cross provides many ways to donate. Hotline: 143 Trunkline: 5270000
•You may also SMS donations by texting RED<space>AMOUNT to 2899(Globe) or 4143(Smart)
•Cebu Provincial Government, is in need of volunteers to repack relief goods for Northern Cebu, Leyte, and Bohol. Contact Ms. Evelyn Senajon at 254-7198 and 254-8397, PSWDO, Ground Floor Executive Bldg., Cebu Provincial Capitol.
•The Office of Senator Bam Aquino, Extension Room 23, 5/F Senate of the Philippines, GSIS Financial Complex, Pasay City, is accepting donations Monday to Thursday from 9am - 6pm. Contact Mr. Ares Goyena at (0917)621-6311.

•For the Ayala Foundation's 'Laging Handa Fund', overseas donors can use this online portal for donations.
•De La Salle University's Center for Social Concern and Action (COSCA) is accepting web-based donations from overseas individuals via Credit and debit card donations accepted. Contact Joseph Rosal, Coordinator for Community Engagement, COSCA at 525-4267 or local 147 for more information.

• UP Cebu SC and UP Katilingban Han Leyteño Ngan Samarnon ug Biliranon, contact Darl Santos of KaLeSa-Bi and Ynna Bisnar of UPC SC - 09434116336, 09328637303
•UP Diliman USC Student Council, New CHK gym, UP Diliman, Commonwealth Avenue, Alex Castro, 0917-8725396, Tweet @uscupdiliman
•Tulong Kabataan: UP System, UP Office of the Student Regent are accepting donations in cash or kind. Dropoff point: Vinzon's Hall, UP Diliman, Quezon City. Contact Eds (0927)384-1392 or Zie (0916)796-5740) for more information.
•Phi Yolanda Relief Operations of Phi Kappa Mu Fraternity and Phi Lambda Delta Sorority of UP Manila, Pagkalma Park, UP College of Medecine, Pedro Gil St. , Contact Miko - 09175129144 or Gela - 09277029488, tweet @PhiLambdaDelta1
•The Catholic Relief Services is accepting donations through their website and through Caritas Filipinas Foundation.
•Tulong Kabataan Relief Drive is calling out for volunteers, food, medicine and non food donations at the following addresses
•Kabataan Partylist HQ: #5 Palosapis St., Brgy Amihan, Proj 3, Quezon City
•CEGP National Office, 37-C Yale St., Cubao, Quezon City
•LFS HQ, 1650 Sisa St., Sampaloc Karatula Up, Manila
•Ateneo De Manila Disaster Response and Management Team is accepting cash donations. Check this page on how to donate. For inquiries contact the Office of the Vice President for Social Development at (632) 4266001 locals 4051, 4054, 4099.
•Center for Social Action and Concern (COSCA) De La Salle University Manila, food and non food donations can be droped off at the COSCA Office 2nd Floor, Br Connon Hall. Contact Joseph Rosal at (0922) 899-2558 for inquiries.
•Operation Yolanda, University of St. La Salle Bacolod, is accepting donations in cash or kind. Drop off point is 2nd Gate Security Office, Center for External Relations, Institute for Negros Development.
