In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Express Mr Carter added: “The pressure is growing in coastal communities. I think we need government to give us help in these townships in some wards

The council is currently preparing a report which will call on David Cameron to demand a radical approach to the problem in towns such as Margate, where up to 3,000 Romas have set up homes in cheap low quality private housing or been given council flats.

Mr Carter revealed: “We will ask the government to stop the inward migration of vulnerable and troubled families out of London or abroad into these communities so we can start to lift them and reverse the trend of potentially building bigger ghettos.
What they're asking Cameron to do is shift the problem to somewhere else probably London
Let's be honest you cant blame the Romanians or the Bulgarians. January 1st is like having the Harrods sale in Eastern Europe. Form a nice orderly queue here to multiply your family income 10 fold. They're all saving for the tickets to get on the gravy train.
We need to stop being nasty to people who naturally want to give their families a better standard of living even though it's at our expense.
The real culprits here are the politicians. They have the power to stop this power that we've given them, but they choose not to use it.
I know it's the done thing for card carrying tories to blame everything on Blair and Brown conveniently forgetting who got us in there in the first place and who signed the single european act and the Maastricht treaty and one or two more.
The thing is your boy Dave is in charge now he's been in charge for 3 years. Why oh why is he doing nothing to stop it. We know Labour are not going to do anything about it but neither are the tories.