Originally posted by admin@Dec 16 2005, 09:21 AM
It's strange that after all these years, the next version of Windows out next year will be more Apple like, but without infringing copyright, tells you who got the best marks in class

Keith there is more truth in what you have said, than many have realized, during the 70's early 80's when Bill Gates was demonstrating Worstar and windows 3.1 it didnt work, but he managed to convince IBM that it would in six months, they were so frightened that they would loose their market share, that they went along with it, Steve Jobs at Apple, were more interested in the science and the quality at that time, they didnt have the vision that Gates had, but just look at Apples market share in terms of I-pod sales, and its I-tunes, I just downloaded and upgraded to I-tunes 6 and Quicktime 7, look at the difference, boy its good, also, I have the Video I-pod on my wish list, Gina has the I-pod Nano, but I want her to drool when she shows up next year, and I have the I-pod Video, I went to Apple Store in London to see it, and I have to have one, hehehehehe, stop ranting Pete,.....