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Thread: Visitors visa queries

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  1. #1
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    Visitors visa queries

    Can anyone advise? I am uk man with filipina GF. I have just visited her in Cebu for a week and we want her to visit UK on a visitors visa next year some time. She will be coming for 9 days to visit my family and friends. Reason for her visit is so we can demonstrate that she has visited UK and met my family so we can then apply for a Fiancee Visa and get married in UK. We met on line in May and have been in daily contact via phone/skype/viber etc since then

    My queries are in relation to her applying for a Visitors Visa:-

    1) She has never travelled outside Ph because of financial constraints. will they use this against her?

    2) I will be sponsoring her for the airfare and putting her up and supporting her when she is in UK. Do we state that we are in a relationship? on the one hand this may count against us as they may think she will not want to return to Ph and stay in the UK with her boyfriend. On the other hand if we state we are not in a relationship then what reason do we give for her visiting? and why would I be sponsoring her? particularly if we met on a dating site! I do not wnat to give misleading information as they will obviously know we are in a relationship

    3) The fiance visa requires that she has visited the uk and met my family. Surely they have to recognise that for this to happen, they have to grant her a visitors visa?

  2. #2
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    Just another point. i have read a number of posts that say do not say you are in a relationship as that could be a reason for her not to return to Ph. However on the UKBA website it says the following:-

    'provide a letter of sponsorship explaining your relationship to the visitor, the purpose of their visit and where they will stay during their visit'

    Therefore should we disclose we are BF and GF?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolyon View Post
    Can anyone advise? I am uk man with filipina GF. I have just visited her in Cebu for a week and we want her to visit UK on a visitors visa next year some time. She will be coming for 9 days to visit my family and friends. Reason for her visit is so we can demonstrate that she has visited UK and met my family so we can then apply for a Fiancee Visa and get married in UK. We met on line in May and have been in daily contact via phone/skype/viber etc since then

    My queries are in relation to her applying for a Visitors Visa:-

    1) She has never travelled outside Ph because of financial constraints. will they use this against her?

    2) I will be sponsoring her for the airfare and putting her up and supporting her when she is in UK. Do we state that we are in a relationship? On the one hand this may count against us as they may think she will not want to return to Ph and stay in the UK with her boyfriend. On the other hand if we state we are not in a relationship then what reason do we give for her visiting? and why would I be sponsoring her? particularly if we met on a dating site! I do not wnat to give misleading information as they will obviously know we are in a relationship

    3) The fiance visa requires that she has visited the uk and met my family. Surely they have to recognise that for this to happen, they have to grant her a visitors visa?
    Hi jolyon,

    You're planning to take on board a significant financial outlay for a 9 day visit under the impression that such a visit is required by UKBA in connection with a Fiancee visa..right?

    This is absolutely not required as part of Fiancee visa application at all. UKBA state this very specifically.

    The visit visa is often problematic to secure. But it's cost and risk impacts are extremely low.
    If you want you gf to visit UK that's fine and we can help you understand how to position yourself for the best chance. But I can assure you it's not needed in any connection to Fiancee visa, spouse visa or any other visa leading to UK settlement.

  4. #4
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    UKBA state:-
    ..The fact that an applicant has never visited the UK must not be regarded as a negative factor, but it is a requirement of the Immigration Rules that the couple have met in person
    May I kindly suggest you read the following threads:-

    Fiance(e) Visa or Spouse Visa? Which is best?

    All New Guide - How to apply for a Fiance Visa

    Be sure to follow all the links to better understand the mandatory requirements.

    Happy reading

  5. #5
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    Thanks terpe. That answers my qyery no 3!

    I suppose basically I am trying to get as many 'ticks' as I can so the fiance visa is granted. I think it would be a posotive point if we can show shes met my family and been to the UK, even though, as you say, it is not essentail.

    I think since the cost is relatively low, we will apply for a visitors visa anyway. another way of looking at it is we want to see each other again anyway in spring next year and the cost of the flight is the same wether I go there or she comes here to the UK. it may actually be cheaper for her to come to uK as we wont need to stay in a hotel and each at restaurants every night etc

    Thanks for the links- i have read them and they are very informative.

    Any thoughts on my questions 1) and 2)?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolyon View Post
    Thanks terpe. That answers my qyery no 3!

    I suppose basically I am trying to get as many 'ticks' as I can so the fiance visa is granted. I think it would be a posotive point if we can show shes met my family and been to the UK, even though, as you say, it is not essentail.

    I think since the cost is relatively low, we will apply for a visitors visa anyway. another way of looking at it is we want to see each other again anyway in spring next year and the cost of the flight is the same wether I go there or she comes here to the UK. it may actually be cheaper for her to come to uK as we wont need to stay in a hotel and each at restaurants every night etc

    Thanks for the links- i have read them and they are very informative.

    Any thoughts on my questions 1) and 2)?

    There's plenty of posts here on visit visa's and a quick search will likely bring them up.
    You'll find post that cover all sorts of different situations

    Just click here on this thread as a good start, I'm sure it will answer most of your questions

    The major complication is the need by the applicant to prove a non-immigrant intent. Applicants wishing to come to the UK under a tourist visit must clearly demonstrate that they do not intend to remain in the UK on a permanent basis. Immigration law places this burden of proof on the applicant.
    In order to grant a temporary visa, the ECO must be satisfied that the applicant has strong social, economic and family ties abroad that would compel them to leave the UK at the end of the temporary stay.

    Unfortunately, in most cases it becomes difficult to overcome this presumption.

    The UKBA page specifically for UK Visit Visa's can be found here with additional detailed information which can be found here and also explains what you are allowed to do while you are in the UK as a visitor.
    It's well worth taking a good look around and checking out all of the links provided in those pages.
    Anyone coming to the UK as a visitor, will usually be granted a visa with a validity for up to 6 months stay.

    Anyone 'sponsoring' a visitor to UK should also review the UKBA webpage Sponsoring a General Visitor

    You can downdload the application form and guidance notes from this page

    Understand how to apply by reviewing the page Applying for a UK visa in the Philippines

    Concerning the actual documents you'll need to submit in evidence, it really does come down to personal circumstance but generally must contain:-
    - information about the applicant
    - information about the finances and employment of the applicant
    - accommodation and travel details
    - information about the visit to the UK

    As examples of the type of documents that could be supplied Here is the UKBA Guide to Supporting Documents for visiting the UK

    The application should be supported with some of the following documents:-

    - if employed, a letter from the employer granting leave of absence for a specified period - the letter should also say how long the applicant has been employed by that employer, in what job(s), and when expected back at work
    - if self-employed, evidence of the business activities and financial standing
    - evidence of any property owned in their home country
    - if a student, a letter from the school or college stating the course, its start and finish dates, and the dates of the holiday period intended to visit the UK
    - evidence of all family or social ties and responsibilities to return home to
    - evidence of any firm travel plans made
    - bank statements going back over a period of several months
    - evidence of savings/funds available during ther stay
    - evidence that the applicant can financially maintain and accommodate themselves in the UK with or without assistance from family/friends living in the UK but without resource to public funding or employment.

    As a sponsor you can help significantly by providing an invitation/supporting letter to confirm the support that you'll be providing in terms of financial assistance and/or accommodation.

    If you have the intention to totally support the visit, then hers's a listing of fairly typical supporting documents that you should provide:-

    - 6 months Bank statements
    - 6 months pay slips
    - Proof of address (eg utility bill, Council Tax etc)
    - Accommodation details (including owner's agreement / rental agreement)
    - Sponsors passport copy (Photo page, any relevant stamp pages)
    - The main reasons for wanting the applicant to travel at the specific time

    The first and foremost thing that you need to keep in mind when applying for a visa for UK, is that you should have an intention to return to your home country. Have a well thought out travel plan. Date of Travel, duration of stay and reasons for travelling.

    Have a read and don't be shy to ask anything that you need help with.

    So in connection with your 2 specific questions:-

    Yes her situation at home on Philippines will have an impact.
    There are no hard and fast rules though, except having reason s to return home.

    It really should make any difference that you have a romantic realtionship just as long as you can convince the ECO that the reasons for her to return outweigh those to stay.
    I wouldn't advise making a big thing out of the relationship though.It's quite normal that folks want to see if they and the prospective settlement country are compatible

  7. #7
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    Thank you very much for you invaluable advice and your time.

    In respect of the letter form her employers granting leave of abscence, my thoughts were that she would get such a letter as you describe, but it would only have provisional dates on since we would not be sure when we would be grnted the visa. eg the letter would say that she has been granted leave for 2 weeks during march or april depending on if and when the visa is granted. also in terms of travel plans, we wouldnt want to buy a plane ticket before the vias is granted, so the plan would have provisional dates on and included would be bank stateemts from me showing avaiable funds to purchase the plant ticket once the visa is granted.

    in terms of her having reason to return to Ph rather than outstay her visa in uk, she is a a qualified nurse in full time continuous employment.
    she does not own property of have children, however she does support her brother who is at university, and supports her mother and close family friends. the difficulty is providing evidence of her support as since it is family, she doesnt have 'recipts' as such. i isuppose she could provide reciepts showing she has paid electric and water bills.

    thanks again for your time

  8. #8
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    I would wager that not even 1 in a 1,000 prospective Filipino fiancees or spouses have previously visited their intended's home country. Probably a good thing too, in some cases.

  9. #9
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    I think I have misunderstood the UKBA requirements! it appears it is not essential but I would like her to come here and meet my family anyway.

    any ideas on my first two queries?

  10. #10
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    From the information you have given I can't see any obvious reasons for refusal.
    As you know the costs and risks are very low.
    The decisions get made quickly.

    Of course detailed timings on actual travel plans cannot be made and the ECO's accept this.
    In fact the UKBA advice is NOT to purchase any travel tickets until the visa has been granted.
    But there is a needs to outline the visit plans.
    There is also a need for the sponsor to provide full details of support for the visit duration.

  11. #11
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    thank you very much for your advice and time. much appreciated!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jolyon View Post
    thank you very much for your advice and time. much appreciated!
    Hope the visit visa app goes well. As I said I can't see any obvious weaknesses.
    Many folks manage to secure one.

  13. #13
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Good luck with it!
    I considered a visitor visa but on balance I was fortunate enough to spend almost a year with my wife so I just took the decision to bring her over on a fiancé visa.

    It's not easy but for love we can move heaven and earth!

  14. #14
    Respected Member DaveW's Avatar
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    Just had a my girlfriends visit visa refused today on the basis that they do not believe she will return home at the end of her stay. I expected this would be the reason. Even though she has her own small store we just could not prove it was worth returning to.
    I provided full sponsorship all bank statements and payslips. We both wrote supporting letters but still no good.
    I even added some photos of us together to prove we met, even though i didnt think it was needed.
    But they said that the relationship doesn't even seem genuine, By just providing some photos.
    I am so mad, because this was a honest application and now it seems she will never get to visit. There is no point of even trying again

  15. #15
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    We/they all get tarred with the same brush as the REAL crooks from Pakistan, Nigeria etc.

  16. #16
    Respected Member DaveW's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    We/they all get tarred with the same brush as the REAL crooks from Pakistan, Nigeria etc.
    My feelings exactly. I'm looking out of my living room window right now onto a bus stop full of people that i would love to know they got to be here.
    I pay all my taxes and never break the law. All i asked was for somebody to visit me here. And they refuse. I have really had enough. I have just booked my ticket to manila for the 28th of November with Malaysia airlines. she was meant to be returning with me but not now.
    Seriously tired of this

  17. #17
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    Sickening isn't it.

    And people on here wonder why Dedworth and I are always moaning on about illegals, asylum seekers and the EU 'Free movement of People' ...letting every Tom Dick and Harry parasite in.

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