... as I've stated on here several times, I retired early from full time work with a modest, index~linked pension which - *when I turned sixty - was barely enough to support myself. And, from *then on, until I reached the age of sixty-five, it had to be topped-up with **Pension Credit ... **which was later discontinued when I became an OAP in September 2009 - six months after Myrna arrived in the UK as my wife. Being a State Pensioner now, I'm entitled to an annual Winter Fuel Payment of £200. But much as this isn't to be "sniffed at",
it barely "scrapes the bottom of the barrel" when it comes to coping with the heating bills - thanks to the greed of the Energy Companies.
So no, I wouldn't say I'm mollycoddled. But I recognise I'm DEFINITELY luckier than lots of folk ...... mainly because I don't have the very hefty upkeep of a car to worry about.