Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
Arthur are you mollycoddled that you can afford to heat your home, if you can do you think there are pensioners out there who can't maybe you've got a private pension to help, there must be many pensioners out there that don't and wish they were mollycodded
... as I've stated on here several times, I retired early from full time work with a modest, index~linked pension which - *when I turned sixty - was barely enough to support myself. And, from *then on, until I reached the age of sixty-five, it had to be topped-up with **Pension Credit ... **which was later discontinued when I became an OAP in September 2009 - six months after Myrna arrived in the UK as my wife. Being a State Pensioner now, I'm entitled to an annual Winter Fuel Payment of £200. But much as this isn't to be "sniffed at", it barely "scrapes the bottom of the barrel" when it comes to coping with the heating bills - thanks to the greed of the Energy Companies.

So no, I wouldn't say I'm mollycoddled. But I recognise I'm DEFINITELY luckier than lots of folk ... ... mainly because I don't have the very hefty upkeep of a car to worry about.