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Thread: Announcing our Return to FilipinoUK

  1. #31
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Welcome back Big Boy

    Good to hear its all sorted now - Elsa and I have bought a house near Tacloban, and we've already bought a multicab, so yeah, the empire is slowing building!
    Hello me old mucker Rob, how are the sheep down in the valleys ? great to hear about your place across the water in Imelda territory, that great wonderful city of TACLOBAN !

    Gina and I have just finished our pad in Bacolod City, the city of smiles, we have now finished banging our head against the brick wall, as we ply our way through that riddle buried within the sands inside the enigma machine of the Philippines real estate industry.


  2. #32
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    Welcome back Pete and Hi to Rob too. Yes we have a fixer running around Tacloban (I hope) sorting out our legal title to my wifes parents house in Leyte.
    We're planning to do it up but I won't put any money into it until it's in our name. I don't want loads of relatives popping up claiming a share of it when we've done the work!
    Perhaps we'll meet up in Leyte for a San Mig someday hey Rob?


  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Welcome back Pete and Hi to Rob too. Yes we have a fixer running around Tacloban (I hope) sorting out our legal title to my wifes parents house in Leyte.
    We're planning to do it up but I won't put any money into it until it's in our name. I don't want loads of relatives popping up claiming a share of it when we've done the work!
    Perhaps we'll meet up in Leyte for a San Mig someday hey Rob?

    Sounds good Gav

    Hope it all gets sorted Gav, Elsa and I are lucky as we've bought a new build in the sub-division, and (so far) its going smoothly. We're both flying out to Philippines in late November for a few weeks, so we'll get a better idea of progress.

  4. #34
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    welcome back Peter and Gina. I've been reading your website and it is a big help to me.

  5. #35
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Thank you Joyce for the welcome, I am glad you find the site interesting and helpful, Rob still hasnt told us how he is doing down in dolly territory, I think he is out in the fields...baaaah baaaah baaaah, but he is keeping Mum about it....

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    Yes we have a fixer running around Tacloban (I hope) sorting out our legal title to my wifes parents house in Leyte.
    We're planning to do it up but I won't put any money into it until it's in our name. I don't want loads of relatives popping up claiming a share of it when we've done the work!
    Perhaps we'll meet up in Leyte for a San Mig someday hey Rob?

    Hey Gav,

    Best thing is for your wife to do all the paperworks herself and not let other people do it. Have done mine by myself and it was not very difficult. The only worst of the worst I experience was when I was paying taxes at BIR office.( WARNING TO ALL BUYERS; That's where the giant crocodiles of the PI government work). And because I needed their diamond signature so they can release my title I had to wait, and wait, and wait. They thought I was going to give them incentives or tippings but nooooooo, I did not gave way so in the end they probably got fed up.

    Also advice to all potential buyers, check with your municipal offices if in the province that the land you are buying has a legal title and that the taxes has been paid. I heard horror stories about fake land titles and lots without title.

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