Quote Originally Posted by moorebwb View Post
...Just need some advice regarding getting my Filipino wife to the UK,

Firstly can she apply by herself, does she need my original passport to apply?
She is the applicant and is the one who will apply.
You are the partner and sponsor.
You do not need to supply your original passport. Just a photocopy or scan of the Photo Page is sufficient.
You should also include any other pages she'll rely on for any supporting evidence.

Quote Originally Posted by moorebwb View Post
.....I know i need 6 months payslips, 6 months bank statements, letter from employment, letter from landlord, pics of wedding(married in church) evidence to show i earn 18,600..per year. my divorce paper my passport, marriage cert.

what other things do i need ?
Take a look at the UKBA document guide here and also review the immigration rules here under Appendix FM-SE - Family members - specified evidence

Don't forget:-

English language requirement

Tuberculosis testing in the Philippines

CFO seminar and Sticker. (The seminar can be taken at anytime, but the passport sticker will only be issued upon presentation of valid visa.

Quote Originally Posted by moorebwb View Post
...the embassy said she does not need to update her ID IE- passport postal id etc to apply,

eventually when she does get the visa, does she need to update all her ID, with her new 2nd name or just the passport.
As far as UKBA is concerned there's no mandatory requirement to update anything, including her passport. Many folks have not updated their passport with their married name until some years later when the passport is up for renewal. There's really no problem.

Quote Originally Posted by moorebwb View Post
....do i need to show a x amount in my account? or is it just based on my annual salary?
The Financial Requirement is based solely on income.

Quote Originally Posted by moorebwb View Post
....from the moment ive applied, how long does the whole process take? also any further advice would be a massive help, thanks in advance for the help.
There's really no way to predict how long it may take. The best information is indicated by the UKBA webpage called - Visa processing times in the Philippines

Make a review of the link sars provided and be sure to follow all UKBA links contained.

Any questions just ask