
We will soon be applying for spouse visa. I just have a few questions.

1) I book the appointment myself and pay myself say by credit card or my wife has to pay it directly to VFS in Manila?

2) If say the application form is completed and everything is ready for submission do we make the appointment at that time and would they normally give us an appointment slot within a week or two or is it best to submit the application form online then get an appointment say 1 month later?

Because the legal capacity we had to book the appintment and the british embassy didnt have any available slots within at least 1 months time. Just wondering if the VFS global thing works in the same way that you need to do it at least 1 or 2 months before you wish to submit the application.

So for example I wish to hand in the papers and everything by end of february. Can I submit the application form and book the appointment 1 week before or it should be done say 1 month beforehand?
