Drink driver told he can live in his car despite being banned from the road for 14 months

Egidijus Sakalauska was spotted by police in Cambridge at 1.30am behind the wheel
Banned from driving for 14 months
Allowed to live in his car as long as he doesn't drive

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz2l0Ckqg00

It goes without saying that he's from the Warsaw Pact.

As per the EU rules I wonder if any of the following will be applied ?? :-

Deport them to their country of origin after 90 days if they do not have a job, sickness insurance or the means to support themselves (and if they have no family member in the host country capable of supporting them). This is to prevent people becoming a burden on the host country's social safety net.

Secondly, they can be deported if they present a threat to public order, public security or public health.