Crystal meth shame of bank chief: Counting off £20 notes to buy hard drugs, this is the man who ran the Co-op Bank... three days after telling MPs how it lost £700m
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Crystal meth shame of bank chief: Counting off £20 notes to buy hard drugs, this is the man who ran the Co-op Bank... three days after telling MPs how it lost £700m
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This lump has been sniffed out and suspended by the "rotten to the core" Labour Party :-
Former Co-operative Bank chairman Paul Flowers has been suspended by Labour for bringing the party into disrepute after he was reportedly caught buying and using illegal drugs.
He has already apologised after a newspaper showed him apparently handing over £300 to purchase cocaine.
Mr Flowers was chairman of the Co-Op Bank from April 2010 to June this year.
The chairman of the Commons Treasury Committee said he had been "manifestly unsuitable" for the role.
It gets worse ;_
Disgraced ex-Co-op chief's sordid past revealed: Methodist minister resigned as Labour councillor after porn was found on laptop and was convicted of gross indency in public toilet in 1981
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He was appointed in 2010 by Millipede onto Labours finance and industry advisory board![]()
I wonder why he never ran for Parliament ?He seems well-qualified for the position.
Dont worry the tories will give him a big fat bonus.![]()
Normal people with normal flaws except their jobs are high profile
Drug addiction can effect anyone and these people need sympathy
The rent boy and trysts in rooms paid for by the Co-op: Escort reveals Flowers sent him emails to organise drug-fuelled sex from his work account
- Ciaron Dodd said they met in plush hotel rooms paid for by struggling bank
- The £650-a-night escort revealed messages sent by Reverend Flowers
- Methodist minister used work account to arrange 'drug-fuelled threesomes'
- Mr Dodd says relationship ended when Flowers refused to pay £2,000
- Flowers allegedly met him through the escort website ‘Manchester Lads
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Its his life at the end of the day. He lives it how he wants.
Why not?
Yep - Labour sleaze
Even the Labour rag is shocked :-
Drugs shame banker Paul Flowers probed by Methodist church 30 YEARS ago after gross indecency in public toilet
Drugs shame former bank boss Reverend Paul Flowers committed gross indecency in a public toilet, it emerged yesterday.
The disgraced Methodist minister, who is facing a police probe into his use of crystal meth, crack cocaine and ketamine, was spotted with another man in the lavatory by a cop.
The ex-chairman of Co-op bank, who is gay, admitted the offence in June 1981 and was fined £75 with £35 costs by Fareham magistrates in Hampshire.
But the Methodists forgave Flowers, now 63, whose solicitor claimed he had been tempted to commit the offence “at the other man’s instigation”.
A Methodist Ministry spokesman said yesterday: “It was decided he could continue as a minister.
"It did not preclude him from his activities in the church. He was very contrite, and he continued his work.”
The revelations about Flowers’ seedy past come as he was suspended by the Labour Party yesterday.
He had already been suspended by the .Methodist church. And the Co-op has launched a wide-ranging inquiry into their £132,000-a-year ex-boss.
West Yorkshire police are investigating Flowers following the .emergence of video footage showing him discussing the cocaine and crystal meth he wanted to buy from a dealer in Leeds.
I just love winding you up.![]()
Try telling that to the bankers in the city That area runs on cocaine
Its illegal to drive over 30 mph in town but most do
I am anti drugs and always have been but i dont need the government to instruct me on what substances i can and cannot consume
Its not rocket science either on what not to consume
Most of our towns are blighted by alcohol abusers causing mayhem but thats ok because its legal .......
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