A lot of working men of my age got fed up with unions, in my youth I worked on one of the most volatile union sites there was, the building of the Barbican in London. During 2 years there I don't think I ever had a full week of work due to strikes.
Also I worked through the times of Wilson, Callaghan and Foot

and then became self employed and thought I moved up a class, I didn`t, and still consider myself a working man.
I have now come to realise that a lot of my views of politicians were wrong and think most of them are useless, money grabbing parasites with just a few exceptions. None of the main parties will get my vote.
My views on unions have changed as well, they are needed more than ever but should be regulated fairly. Didn't rate Vic Feathers, Len Murray and Scargill but I think Bob Crow looks after his members. My view is that most of the working class have been trampled on over the last 2 decades and I am not sure what the future holds.