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Thread: Hospital consultants should work weekends

  1. #1
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    Hospital consultants should work weekends

    Consultants need to check on patients at weekends to save lives, report says

    A common sense report

    Some of these consultants need to realise they are employed for the benefit of patients not for spending every weekend on the golf course

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    If they had the time and the energy I suppose they would. Again it comes down to lack of funding and understaffing.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    If they had the time and the energy I suppose they would. Again it comes down to lack of funding and understaffing.
    The report predicts that changes will increase NHS costs in the short-term, but that the improvements in care could reduce costs in the long run.

    Is there any understaffing amongst consultants Andy ? - the contracts allowing them not to work weekends should be ripped up

  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    A bit of advice dont believe all the reports Ded. Go and see for yourself. Do you expect them to work 7 days a week? If they did more mistakes would be made.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    A bit of advice dont believe all the reports Ded. Go and see for yourself. Do you expect them to work 7 days a week? If they did more mistakes would be made.
    This report comes from one of their own bodies Andy the Academy of Royal Colleges (20 organisations which represent senior doctors) are they wrong in thinking this ? Of course they don't need to work 7 days just shift patterns which give the cover we should expect at weekends. Likewise goes for hospital labs, pharmacies, x ray depts - for too long these practices have caused unnecessary deaths

  6. #6
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Its easier said than done Ded. Its back to the old thing more work for the same funding. That dont work.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Its easier said than done Ded. Its back to the old thing more work for the same funding. That dont work.
    Someone will take the decisions that in the 21st century these people must work weekends which will result in a more efficient NHS

  8. #8
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    yes it can be done. By consultants not working 2 days in the week and working weekends.. Will that solve the problem?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    yes it can be done. By consultants not working 2 days in the week and working weekends.. Will that solve the problem?
    Of course it would still a 5 day week but via shifts put into the weekend ? Do the ambulances, nurses, caterers, hospital mortuaries etc only work 9 - 5 Mon - Fri ?

  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    The simple answer is no they they dont and neither do our rapid response team. But try and find a report on the sickness levels of these teams due to stress because of understaffing. In our team alone we have lost 4 members that have not been replace because of lack of funding. That means less people are being seen in their homes and being kept out of hospital. FACT.

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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    The simple answer is no they they dont and neither do our rapid response team. But try and find a report on the sickness levels of these teams due to stress because of understaffing. In our team alone we have lost 4 members that have not been replace because of lack of funding. That means less people are being seen in their homes and being kept out of hospital. FACT.
    A further example of the need to cull the box ticking, Bobby Bullshit, target driven, over paid management who's numbers ballooned under Labour. Put the wage budget where it will make a difference to patients.

    Going back to the report I wonder if the Doctors representatives will sit down with the NHS like grown ups and try to solve this weekend issue ?

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Thats up to Hunt to decide he is health secretary and it is him and his bulls**t party who has put us into this mess.

  13. #13
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    They have had 3 and a half years to sort this out and it is worse now than ever.

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth you wouldn't last a week shadowing a consultant, you've no idea the stress and responsibility and workload they have, your not dealing with something that can be replaced your dealing with peoples lives and one you've got people like you wanting to lynch them

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedowrth you wouldn't last a week shadowing a consultant, you've no idea the stress and responsibility and workload they have, your not dealing with something that can be replaced your dealing with peoples life's and one you've got people like you wanting to lynch them

    It must be a terrible, thankless job Joe. It's a wonder that anyone is prepared to do it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedowrth you wouldn't last a week shadowing a consultant, you've no idea the stress and responsibility and workload they have, your not dealing with something that can be replaced your dealing with peoples life's and one you've got people like you wanting to lynch them
    You know what they say about it being too hot in the kitchen.
    There's many nurses queuing up in the Philippines who would give their high teeth to be awarded a position here.

    Not all are whinging and whining about their lot I see a husband of one nurse on a regular basis..they've been here 12 years..he works all the hours so does his wife (both are Filipino) In his words, as a couple they are like ships in the night but, they wouldn't change a thing '' life is good '' They never complain.

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    It must be a terrible, thankless job Joe. It's a wonder that anyone is prepared to do it.
    dedworth you said you know some doctors are they consultants ?

    if they are, why don't you ask them about their job

    A&E consultants there seems to be a shortage i wonder why, you must have been in A&E sometime in your life

    GawPito they are nurses not consultants, how do you know they dont complain you mean they dont complain to you

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedworth you said you know some doctors are they consultants ?

    if they are, why don't you ask them about their job

    A&E consultants there seems to be a shortage i wonder why, you must have been in A&E sometime in your life

    GawPito they are nurses not consultants, how do you know they dont complain you mean they dont complain to you
    Like I said before Joe I've no reason to discuss their jobs with them - He's a GP she's a Consultant Virologist. As you previously mentioned they must have spent many years and long hours studying to get where they are now.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedworth you said you know some doctors are they consultants ?

    if they are, why don't you ask them about their job

    A&E consultants there seems to be a shortage i wonder why, you must have been in A&E sometime in your life

    GawPito they are nurses not consultants, how do you know they dont complain you mean they dont complain to you
    Alright, they may have a grumble amongst themseves but, if it was so bad, they wouldn't do it. Remember, these are tough Filipinos, they get on with life and accept whatever is thrown at them

  20. #20
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    The Academy represents medical Royal Colleges and others, improving health and patient care through training and setting quality standards. They are not, however, all “ ivory tower “ academics. I am a senior member of one such College ( Pathologists ), and support what they recommend .

    It’s ethically unjustifiable to provide a lower standard of care at weekends than on weekdays.

    A daily consultant-led review ( the “ ward round “ ) is vital for best treatment, and timely discharge planning between patients and their carers, hospital and community-based staff. In other words, numbers of “ bed blockers “ could be reduced. Around 11% of people occupying hospital beds don’t have an ongoing serious medical problem – their discharge is delayed by non-medical factors.

    Successful seven day working is possible in the UK. In some cases money will be saved as patients will improve more quickly if they don’t experience delays in receiving the care they need over the weekend.

    The total amount of consultant time for inpatient daily reviews at weekends is probably around 6 hours / day for every 30 inpatients.

    Consultant presence at weekends helps doctors in training, without taking away their decision-making skills.

    It is likely more consultant appointments would be needed ; together with reorganization of the current workforce ; also better integration of primary, secondary, and social care.

    For this to work, seven day access would also be needed for :-

    • Investigations ( pathology, X rays, ultrasound, other imaging )

    • Interventions ( emergency surgery ; anaesthesia ; treatment by radiology and endoscopy techniques )

    • Support services ( specialist nursing ; physiotherapy ; pharmacy ; operating theatres ; administrative / clerical )

    • Patient transport and community support services.

    I don’t play golf and don’t know how many consultants fit the old stereotype of golfing at weekends. They are entitled, however, to leisure time in order to stay healthy and deliver a safe service.

    It’s absolutely vital to say that I could not have done my job, nor could any other consultant, without professionals supporting me, whether nurses, laboratory scientists, and all other healthcare workers who are essential for our health service, and desirable for a seven day service. They are subject to stress, just as are doctors, especially if conditions are imperfect – but also have the reward and gratitude of many patients who actually get better !

  21. #21
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    Good post Doc

    Giving the best care to NHS patients is a team game and it strikes me that some team members don't feel that they need to be on the pitch at the same time as the others.

    I'm still puzzling over how to include golf in this analogy

  22. #22
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    At my hospital consultants do work weekends. There is medical, surgical, gynae, orthopaedic and paediatric consultants on duty.

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Like I said before Joe I've no reason to discuss their jobs with them - He's a GP she's a Consultant Virologist. As you previously mentioned they must have spent many years and long hours studying to get where they are now.
    why not, give us a independent view ! you got friends and you never ask them about your anti doc views, maybe because you would realise the that you've been posting about docs is all wrong

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    why not, give us a independent view ! you got friends and you never ask them about your anti doc views, maybe because you would realise the that you've been posting about docs is all wrong
    Clutching at straws Joe - they moved about 10 miles away in 2010 so only now see them about 3 times a year and it's up to us what we talk about. Simon is from Yorks so I have more than enough heated discussions with him about Dirty Leeds & Man Utd.

    They don't moan about the career path they went on, their jobs and aren't stressed to the Nth degree - the NHS salaries/London weighting allows them a nice house and comfortable lifestyle. So my independent view is that they are quite happy with their lot.

    I'm not anti Docs just some of them for example :-

    leeches running out of hours companies, traitors refusing to check credentials of immigrants and some consultants behaving like 1970's trade union dinosaurs refusing to work flexible hours.

  25. #25
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    where my misses works some consultants do work weekends, also some are on call if they are needed, and finally there are probably some ST's (specialist Trainee's) might be there, they've spent 5yrs at med school, 2 years foundation and whatever ST level they are from 1 to 7, so that's from 1 to 7yrs of further training, patients are not left in the hands of newbies

  26. #26
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    If my post #20 is read carefully, it makes clear that successful 7 day working IS possible ( at a price ), and ethically desirable, for the UK health service. That is not just my view, but expressed by the Academy of Royal Colleges which includes my College. It is also vital to understand that this doesn’t just involve consultants working at weekends. Many other professional healthcare workers are essential. Not only do they support consultants, but the service could not function without them.

    Consultants are not the only people who may be stressed by their work in healthcare. Indeed they may be responsible for stress by the way some treat junior doctors, nurses, and others who are paid less, but have an essential role in providing good healthcare.

    I have never had a problem in recognising this – having once been a trainee doctor ; also having taught medical students, doctors, nurses and laboratory scientists as part of my chosen career.

    It’s also worthwhile pointing out that I don’t have issues with ANY other member of this Forum . Ded and Joebloggs have always supported me, or at least respected my viewpoint, as I do theirs .

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