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Thread: Hello I知 Steve

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hello I知 Steve

    Here is my "story"
    I went to the Philippines 4 years ago with a friend for a holiday. Out of the blue I met this wonderful girl. We had a relationship and I visited her again about 6 months later. Even though i loved her very much my life back in the UK was falling apart... the company I worked for had gone out of business and I was having a real problem finding a new job. I did not think much of myself, and as a result I told the girl I loved to leave me and I stopped replying to her. By the time I had picked my life up she had changed her contact details, so I never knew what happened to her.
    May this year, totally out of the blue... an e-mail from her!
    She explains that after me she met another English guy and she now has a baby girl. Turns out the guy stopped contacting her as soon as she give birth.
    Now I never stopped loving this girl, and after e-mail her a lot of talking on the phone for 40+ hours I decided to go and see her, to see if what I was feeling was real, to see if what she was telling me about how she felt was real and to see if I could handle somebody else's child as part of my own family.
    Well I致e just got back from the trip and I've never been more in love, I believe she still loves me and i seem to already love Stephanie (she is 1 year and 4 months).
    The trip was not without its ups and downs... trust for both of us, having a child around was very different for me... but it did not take long for us both to be very comfortable again with each other. We traveled around a little and met some of her family (was great when we needed a babysitter). Then when we got back to manila we went out for a large meal, after which she started to have a lot of pain, she told me it was just because she had too much to eat but by the morning I was trying to get her to see a doctor. Took me till about 11.30am to convince her to see somebody. After a taxi took us to a really rundown place that turned her away we ended up at Manila Doctors Hospital's ER. They started doing tests and at 10pm that night she had an operation to take out her burst appendix!.
    I've skipped out a few things but overall I think we have a strong relationship to build on, we have both seen the good and bad in each other and still want to be together. I've known life without her and don稚 want to go back to that.
    So after the trip and the medial bill I知 very skint.
    While she was in hospital I asked her to marry me and asked her to think about if she could be happy in the UK. She said yes, which was nice
    Told my family when i got back and they seem to support my decision.

    Now I have a few questions. I plan to marry her in the Philippines and then come back to the UK. Is this going to be a problem with Stephanie?
    What would you say apart from the weather is the biggest change in living from the two countries?

    I find it a little hard to open up to random people on the internet, so this has taken awhile to write. I also might not be too quick to reply, but I will welcome any information and comments
    Thank you for reading
    Take care

  2. #2
    Respected Member mach's Avatar
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    hello steve & weLcome

  3. #3
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Hi there Steve, it's a nice love story. I don't think you'd have problems with Stephanie is your girl and her ex were not married, i reckon they weren't married. Try browsing the forum you'll get hints from other people's experiences as yours too. It will be helpful if you do. Welcome to the forum and good luck to your quest.
    The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl

  4. #4
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi Steve and welcome to the Ate Gracia have said u will find lots of informations from other people's experiences here..
    and I am sure a lot of friends here will be glad to be of help to u..

  5. #5
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    like Gracia and Kimmi said this forum will help u alot ...
    Welcome Steve Goodluck!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hi Steve,
    We have SEARCH (top) engine in this forum where you can find topics about helping her and the baby to bring them in the UK. As far as I know, you need to adopt the child which cost bit of expensive. But I think there are also some alternatives.
    Wish you all the luck !

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi Steve welcome to the friendly forum... You can visit this website regarding adopted children : Good luck!!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    hi steve welcome to the forum thats a very unusual love story.Goodluck to you and to your girl.Use the search button here for all of your inquiries...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Hiya, welcome to the forum. Yes, it is very different love story. Good luck to all your plans.

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