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Thread: You are now entering Shariah law Britain

  1. #1
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    You are now entering Shariah law Britain

    Frightening article....about time something was done about these extremists. A very long article but worth reading, even if it is the Daily Mail!

    As a throng of Muslim families crowd around him, Abu Izzadeen speaks in a quiet voice of his plans for the future of Britain. The tall, bearded 36-year-old — who was recently freed from prison after serving a term for funding terrorism — is telling, in chilling detail, how he wants to impose Islam’s strict Sharia law on this country.
    At a shopping mall in Waltham Forest, North London, Muslim passers-by listen intently. Some shout greetings in Arabic from across the street.
    Fathers push forward their young sons (wearing skull caps for prayers at the local mosque) so they can get a good view of the man who is plainly viewed by many as a hero.

    Today, Izzadeen, the self-styled ‘Director for Waltham Forest Muslims’, will march with his supporters — many of them new young recruits to Islam — as part of their campaign to make the suburban borough into Britain’s first Sharia-law zone.
    Under his brutal set of rules, there would be a ban on alcohol, gambling, drugs, music, smoking and homosexuality, as well as on men and women mixing in public.
    This is all part of Izzadeen’s concerted campaign to defeat ‘Western decadence’ and turn large parts of Britain — where, his supporters say, ‘people live like animals in a jungle’ — into an Islamic Emirate.
    Already, 20,000 yellow leaflets have been printed by Islamic activists, saying ‘You are entering a Sharia controlled zone. Islamic rules enforced.’ The leaflets have been stuck onto lamp-posts, put up in shop windows and on pillar boxes. As fast as the police and council officials tear them down, more go up.

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  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Lordna.. Why Frightening only now?? Its hardly only the thin edge of the wedge..Is it?
    Whats new?

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Nah it will all kick off one day and this crap will be outlawed-sooner the better

  4. #4
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Nah it will all kick off one day and this crap will be outlawed-sooner the better
    I think your right Les! There is only one law in Britain and extremists are not tolerated for very long. I feel sorry for those muslims that unfortunately get labelled bad along with the extremist element.

  5. #5
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Lordna.. Why Frightening only now?? Its hardly only the thin edge of the wedge..Is it?
    Whats new?
    I think the article makes it clear how these extremists are insidiously changing things to suit themselves. ,,,and whats new?.....I actually believe a Daily Mail article

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I feel sorry for those muslims that unfortunately get labelled bad along with the extremist element
    For me the good Muslims don't condemn it enough, which leads me to think either secretly they totally agree with the Hard-liners or they are too scared
    More and more I'm thinking it's the first option

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    I think your right Les! There is only one law in Britain and extremists are not tolerated for very long. I feel sorry for those muslims that unfortunately get labelled bad along with the extremist element.
    But it is tolerated! Extremists hold a disproportionate amount of real power over the silent majority. It is just too late now to change what is happening. Just get your skull caps ready because they will be obligatory wear for us all before too long.

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