Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
Agree, I also seriously doubt Pacman will ever fight Mayweather.

I too hope that Manny contributes his 'all' to make for a great spectacle and that he achieves a well earned victory. I'm sure it will lift the hearts of Filipino's around the whole world and especially at home where it's most needed at this time.

The Mayweather team have become experts at selecting the 'right' opponents at the right price.
The Pacman team have not.
I'm sure Manny will rise to the occasion. He's your archetypical proud Filipino.

I still say his advisors lead him up the garden path on the standing for Government nonsense...The guy lost his focus. ..If he hadn't he wouldn't of been knocked out at a time he was miles ahead in the points.

Perhaps the public could shame Mayweather into fighting Manny. ..especially after resent events. ....let's hope Manny puts on a good show on Sunday.