My reply re-posted from the other thread on the subject...

I'm sure he's right too.

At last someone has had the guts to expose these cheating crooks. If it's not fraudulent use of the postal voting system, it's fake driving licences, credit cards, passports, benefit claims, etc.

How many times have I stated that these people bring with them their 3rd world well as their hate of us, their stone-age religion and their bombs ?

Now they'll go back to sheltering under the 'race-hate' umbrella that we provided them with, while they worm their way further into our system by getting their leaders elected.

Don't shoot the messenger.
...To which I will add:

I have been dealing with this 'community' since becoming a grocery representative back in 1971, when Bradford was on my 'patch', and part of my job was to call on all the small corner shops etc....same when I later worked for Rothmans Cigarettes.

Again I found myself regularly dealing with them when I went in to selling home improvements. (Did you know that 'Safestyle' windows is now owned and run by Pakistanis in Bradford ?).

More recently I regularly visit them in their homes as part of my current work.

This behaviour and attitude (as raised by the Attorney General) is not something that is a figment of some wicked racist's imagination.