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Thread: marriage btween UK man and Fili girl update please?

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    marriage btween UK man and Fili girl update please?

    Hi everyone
    Im new on here and trying to find out what I need to get married to my girlfriend in The Philippines when I go their in April.
    I have read this conversation and over the time the advise has changed so I'm confused to say the least. So please can someone tell me what I need to do here before I go and what she will need to do before I get their and what we need to do when I'm their, and in as simple turms as possible please.
    I would like to add I'm only their for 2 weeks, will it be possible to do all the including a simple Civil service marriage.
    thanks John.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi John, Hope you don't mind that I moved your posting to a new thread starter

    Welcome aboard.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    About getting married in Philippines as British's the latest useful information from the British Embassy about Marriage in The Philippines

    It's important to understand that you'll need to exchange the UK issued CNI for a local Philippine version.
    This MUST be exchanged and issued by the British Embassy.
    You'll need to secure an appointment, in advance, at the British Embassy Consular Section in Manila. This needs to be done through the Clickbook Consular Appointment site.
    Follow this link for details of the Online appointment system for Consular services

    Unless their appointments waiting times have been radically improved you'll find that at least 2 months advance notice is required.

    Good planning on your part is going to be essential.

    Be informed that for Philippines the UK CNI should ideally be presented for exchange within 3 months of it's UK issue.
    The local Philippine CNI that is given to you by the British Embassy has a validity of 3 months. Means the application for a marriage licence needs to be done within that 3 month timeframe.

    I have to tell you John that in honesty it's going to be a very tight squeeze to get married within your stated 2 weeks timeframe.
    It's doable, but you'll need to be highly organised and with a good project plan from the wedding day backwards so you can line it all up.

    The UK CNI is available from your local registry office. It takes 22 days from time of application.

    Incidently many folks are now been reporting that a lot of authorities are now asking that the foreign partner also secures their own CENOMAR (Certificate of No Marriage) from Philippine NSO (National Statistics Office) in order to process the marriage licence. You would be well advised to include this contingency as well.

    The CNI is a Certificate of no impediment (sometimes called Legal Capacity to Marry) and provides evidence to officially authorised people that the marriage will be recognised as a valid marriage in both Philippines and the country of the foreign spouse.
    A valid CNI is required by Philippine law.

    A CENOMAR ( Certificate of No Marriage Record) is available from the National Statistics Office (NSO) and is simply what its name implies.
    It is a certification issued by the NSO stating that a person has not contracted any marriage within the Philippines.

    I suggest you always check the latest information for paperwork needed etc but in principle to apply for the Marriage License you should consider having the following:-

    Your birth certificate
    Your passport
    Your Philippine CNI
    Your Divorce decree asbsolute (if applicable)

    A Certificate of 'Pre-Marriage Seminar' (if needed, please check well beforehand)

    Her N.S.O. birth certificate (This should be fresh from NSO on latest type of security paper. Check)
    Her Passport (or other appropriate ID)
    Her Barangay clearance (if needed, please check well beforehand)
    Her community tax certificate (often called Cedula)
    Her postal I.D. Address
    Her Parents signed advice form (if under 25 years age)
    Her Parents I.D.

    Apply for the Marriage License in your fiancée's home town at the registry office. (or locality of where marriage will take place)
    You might also be requested to attend the "Pre-Marriage Seminar" counselling sessions prior to being allowed to be married. Check and ask when you apply for the marriage license

    After you apply for the license there is a mandatory 10 day waiting period while the marriage bans are published.
    Make sure that you plan this properly to be sure the license WILL be able to be issued when you need it. Remember that the issuing office may be open on the weekend or one of the many holidays. You cannot get married with a licence

    By the way just be sure that you have authorised copies of the Marriage Certificate after the wedding or that you request fast-tracking /Expediting for NSO copies. Quite a few get into a long waiting time for the marriage certificate needed for a visa application. Worth thinking about especially if you're considering a Visa Application

    Take a look at this thread for information on fastracking the marriage certificate - Advance Endorsement Birth ,Marriage and Death Certificate

    Once you've reviewed the links and thought about your plan please do ask specific questions.

    I think you'll need to have your fiancee do a significant amount of the 'legwork' in your project plan, and to secure just about all the needed paperworks beforehand so that when you arrive you can 'hit-the-ground-running' and immediately get that marriage licence application done and dusted.
    Keep everything as simple as possible.
    Don't introduce anything at all that doesn't make a direct contribution to getting a marriage certificate. Period

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum John, looks complicated but just follow all the info step by step and very carefully, wish you luck and hope your successful!

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