Quote Originally Posted by cheekee View Post
I found this Graham

So in case there are any other people left in the world who are still running XP and are struggling to connect a Nokia Lumia

If these are not present, install Service Pack 3 and Windows Media Player 11.
Restart PC
Go to the site below and follow the instructions for solution #3 on the page (copied below also)
Update your Windows Phone 8 driver
If Windows Device Manager indicates a device problem or if the driver version of Windows Phone 8 that’s installed isn’t the current version, update the driver. To do this, follow these steps:
Connect your Windows Phone to your computer by using the USB cable that was included with your phone.
Windows 8 users: In the Start screen, type “Device Manager,” tap or click Settings, and then tap or click Device Manager.
Windows 7, Vista, and XP users: Click Start, right-click Computer, and then click Properties.
A window will appear with the name of your computer and a list of files. (If you don’t see the files, click the name of your computer.) The name of your Windows Phone 8 should be listed under Portable Devices. If Windows Phone was incorrectly installed, it may be listed with a yellow exclamation mark. Or, it may be listed under Other Devices as a USB device or an unknown device.
Double-tap or double-click Windows Phone (under Portable Devices) or the unknown device to open the Properties window.
On the Driver tab, tap or click Uninstall.
In the pop-up box “Confirm Device Uninstall,” select “Delete the driver software for this device” and then tap or click OK.
Return to the Device Manager window. Tap or click the Action menu, and then tap or click Scan for hardware changes.
Open Portable Devices, double-tap or double-click the name of your Windows Phone, and then click the Driver tab.
Note If you don’t see your phone’s name, tap or click the unknown device that is listed under Other Devices, and then tap or click the Driver tab.
Tap or click Update Driver.
Tap or click Browse my computer for driver software.
Tap or click Browse, locate the C:WindowsInf folder on your computer, and then click OK.
Click Next and if you’re prompted, click Install. You may only be given a Close option.
After the driver installation is complete, close the open windows until you exit the Device Manager. Restart your computer if you’re prompted.
To manually download and install the Windows Phone driver:
Go to http://catalog.update.microsoft.com.
Search for “windows phone winusb”. You should find “Windows Phone – Other hardware – WinUsb Device”.
Tap or click Add in the right-most column.
ap or click View basket (just below the search box).
On the “Updates in your basket” screen, tap or click the Download button. Tap or click the Browse button and select a convenient location, such as your Desktop or the Downloads folder, to save the file. Tap or click Continue, and then tap or click Close when downloaded.
Browse to the file you downloaded (which may be contained in a folder called “Windows Phone – Other hardware – WinUsb Device”) and then double tap or double click it.
Double tap or double click the file winusbcompat.cat. Select a location (such as the Desktop) to extract the file.
Repeat the steps under Update your Windows Phone 8 driver above, but when you reach Step K, browse to the file you just saved instead of the C:WindowsInf folder.
Worth a rep. Cheers