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Thread: "the daily show"...corazon aquino insulted

  1. #1
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    "the daily show"...corazon aquino insulted

    If the racial slur made in a scene in ABC TV's ''Desperate Housewives'' against Philippine medical schools had outraged the nation, Filipinos here and abroad could be in for more.

    This time, it may be the turn of the Emmy-award winning American satirical television program “The Daily Show" to spark controversy for apparently making a bad joke on former President Corazon Aquino.

  2. #2
    Respected Member ervenescence's Avatar
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    Hmm not another one from America...

    Well the song by GreenDay really suit them...

    American Idiots

    Don't want to be an American idiot.
    Don't want a nation under the new mania
    And can you hear the sound of hysteria?
    The subliminal mindf**k America.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alien nation.
    Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    For that's enough to argue.

    Well maybe I'm the faggot America.
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda.
    Now everybody do the propaganda.
    And sing along to the age of paranoia.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alien nation.
    Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    For that's enough to argue.

    Don't want to be an American idiot.
    One nation controlled by the media.
    Information age of hysteria.
    It's calling out to idiot America.

    Welcome to a new kind of tension.
    All across the alien nation.
    Where everything isn't meant to be okay.
    Television dreams of tomorrow.
    We're not the ones who're meant to follow.
    For that's enough to argue.
    There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    only good thing about it, they made fun of 'thatcher the milk snatcher'
    the iron lady who sold this country off, and the money she got for it, gave it back to the rich in tax cuts

    as weller said

    The Grocer's shop hangs up its sign
    The sign say's closed it's a sign of the times -
    Like everything else they've - all gone away.

    But somewhere the party never ends
    And greedy hands rub together again -
    Shipping out the profits that they've stolen

    An eerie wail comes from the pit,
    The ghosts of the men take the morning shift -
    Just like clockwork - rusting away.

    Come take a walk upon these hills
    And see how monetarism kills -
    Whole communities -
    Even families -
    There's nothing left so - They've all gone away.

    no that note, i've gone back to work

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    only good thing about it, they made fun of 'thatcher the milk snatcher'
    the iron lady who sold this country off, and the money she got for it, gave it back to the rich in tax cuts

    as weller said

    The Grocer's shop hangs up its sign
    The sign say's closed it's a sign of the times -
    Like everything else they've - all gone away.

    But somewhere the party never ends
    And greedy hands rub together again -
    Shipping out the profits that they've stolen

    An eerie wail comes from the pit,
    The ghosts of the men take the morning shift -
    Just like clockwork - rusting away.

    Come take a walk upon these hills
    And see how monetarism kills -
    Whole communities -
    Even families -
    There's nothing left so - They've all gone away.

    no that note, i've gone back to work

    Tommy Lucas is lucky, this land is at peace,
    No snipers in windows, no guerrillas in trees,
    There's no war in Worcestershire, Wiltshire or Hants,
    But Tommy's a victim of pay-cuts and grants -
    The unit he needs was closed down last year,
    If he can't get his treatment, the end will be near.

    Poor Tommy Lucas - there is nowt he can do,
    Pushed once again to the back of the queue.

    The children of far distant battle-torn lands,
    Peer from our TV screen, we wring our hands,
    So we send jet planes and say "come to the UK -
    We'll se you get treatment, we'll make you okay."
    So poor Tommy Lucas, his future looks bleak,
    While yet more foreign children were treated this week.

    Poor Tommy Lucas - there is nowt he can do,
    Pushed once again to the back of the queue.

    Tommy Lucas is lucky, this land's not at war,
    But he still can't get treatment he's waited long for,
    The children from far lands get treatment instead,
    While Britons like Tommy still wait for a bed -
    The injured of Britain has waiting list places,
    While imported injuries take all the bed-spaces.

    People of Britain - there seems nowt we can do,
    Pushed once again to the back of the queue.

    And on that note Im off to bed..

    Joe..If you cant sleep again..Play this...

  5. #5
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by eula mackay View Post
    If the racial slur made in a scene in ABC TV's ''Desperate Housewives'' against Philippine medical schools had outraged the nation, Filipinos here and abroad could be in for more.

    This time, it may be the turn of the Emmy-award winning American satirical television program “The Daily Show" to spark controversy for apparently making a bad joke on former President Corazon Aquino.
    Hey have u noticed not only our former President Aquino insulted, even former Prime Minister of UK Margaret something ( i can't understand the fullname super slang)they said she kicked the communism , My gosh American humour

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    Hey have u noticed not only our former President Aquino insulted, even former Prime Minister of UK Margaret something ( i can't understand the fullname super slang)they said she kicked the communism , My gosh American humour

    Actually..They are not joking.. Ask Socialist Aurthur Scargill !!

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    thatcher should have been and i'm sure when shes historians and people will remember her not as a great leader, but the one who sold the 'family silver' and anythnig to her friends

    fred there was a program on immigration on channel 4 the other night,

    the usual rants, but it showed one british family, who were 30th on the waiting list for social housing, and now they have fallen to 80th on the list...

    well tories say they will limit immigrants coming to the uk, but they can not control those from the european union coming here or asslum seekers, so who are they going to limit ? work permits and HSMP ?

    we wait and see.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kukurokuk View Post
    Hey have u noticed not only our former President Aquino insulted, even former Prime Minister of UK Margaret something ( i can't understand the fullname super slang)they said she kicked the communism , My gosh American humour

    cheers fred, thats my wifes Xmas pressie sorted

    funny thats how i'll always remember thatcher, as the milk snatcher

    makes me laugh even now, a country as rich as this, couldn't afford to give milk to school kids , and look what other plans they were considering

  9. #9
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    I am not aware about UK politics what made me interest is about GIRL POWER a woman President/Prime Minister is a great pride and honor for us, I believe that no one is perfect running a government but in someways they contributed good act in our nation in fact that shows what Man can do Woman can do too.. Vote Leah For barangay Captain hehehe joke.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nothing wrong with girl power ...

    i just hope your president ARROYO doesn't have a picture of thatcher on her office wall

    also Arroyo is a lot better looking than thatcher ever was . Arroyo waved to me and my wife, after a martin nievera and regine velasquez show,... now regine is pretty

  11. #11
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    I'll check for that Sir Joe, I'll be visiting Malacañang Palace soon for my niece fieldtrip
    BTW its Margaret Thatcher thanks guys i thought Margaret Spears

  12. #12
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    Dumbed, stupid and idiots!!!!! That's how american is.

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Fred, the protest song - waiting list war

    there are many versions of the song, and there was a BRITISH HOSPITAL PROTEST SONG - WAITING LIST WAR

    around 1995 a number of doctors had refused to treat immigrants or refugees, citing reasons of both economics and injustice to their regular clientele, as waiting lists grew..

    well my wife had hope to do a clinical attachment at the hospital where she worked, her manager found a consultant who would help her, but the consultant said sorry i only work with asylum seeker doctors ..., it seems not only has she got british, european docs infront of her in the que for training, now asylum seeker docs

    what , there is little justice in little britian...

  14. #14
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    cheers fred, thats my wifes Xmas pressie sorted

    funny thats how i'll always remember thatcher, as the milk snatcher

    makes me laugh even now, a country as rich as this, couldn't afford to give milk to school kids , and look what other plans they were considering
    Was glad when they got rid of the Milk meant we could go out to play more from whaat i remeber, and looking back if they had kept dishing out milk i suspect the vegans, or british heart foundation would be complaining.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how long did it take you to drink, what, less than half a pint of milk ? what did they give you to drink thru ?

    in those days of high unemployment, and parents having low paid jobs and latch key kids, for some kids, the school milk and free school dinner could be the only decent food they got.

    they still have free school dinners today, and lunch being £8 a week for me little gal, i can see how some families on benefits or low pay struggle

    as a virtual vegan , of near 25 years, i'm still alive i think , in those 25yrs not had meat, fish or eggs

    thatcher took the milk away to save not to save the kids

  16. #16
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how long did it take you to drink, what, less than half a pint of milk ? what did they give you to drink thru ?

    in those days of high unemployment, and parents having low paid jobs and latch key kids, for some kids, the school milk and free school dinner could be the only decent food they got.

    they still have free school dinners today, and lunch being £8 a week for me little gal, i can see how some families on benefits or low pay struggle

    as a virtual vegan , of near 25 years, i'm still alive i think , in those 25yrs not had meat, fish or eggs

    thatcher took the milk away to save not to save the kids
    I saw a vegan on star trek

  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how long did it take you to drink, what, less than half a pint of milk ? what did they give you to drink thru ?

    in those days of high unemployment, and parents having low paid jobs and latch key kids, for some kids, the school milk and free school dinner could be the only decent food they got.

    they still have free school dinners today, and lunch being £8 a week for me little gal, i can see how some families on benefits or low pay struggle

    as a virtual vegan , of near 25 years, i'm still alive i think , in those 25yrs not had meat, fish or eggs

    thatcher took the milk away to save not to save the kids
    To tell you the truth i don't really remeber just what my mum said that when it happened that day as a tiny kid i got more play time. I was lucky I was well fed as i think every one at my school was, i think even back in them days the mums in our area were worried if the milk in our area was semi skimmed or fully skimmed etc.
    If anything it should have been given to those who needed it, like the daft thing imo opnion of giving child allowance to all family regardless of income. Many families who lived in our fairly well off area most likely used the money for treats or holidays not to ensure the kids were fed,clothed and kept warm.

    Recently i have had the privillige to go to some of the academys and schools in areas of london where their are mainly low income families. The teachers work hard to ensure they are fed, some of the parents have such basic english language skills they have trouble filling in forms or knowing they exist. Many of the kids only food is at school as you say.

  18. #18
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jimeve View Post
    I saw a vegan on star trek
    Was he on the starboard bow?

  19. #19
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Was he on the starboard bow?
    i think he meant pagan , talking about that Britt Ekland of the wickerman was 65 yesterday ..

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