Yes living in the gutter while texting each other on their SamsungsTake a look around many people are virtually living in the gutter now
Minimum wage zero hours contracts and hardly any workers rights left
Unions stuffed you on your rights, holding the rest of the country to Ransom - blame your Mr Scargill
The economy is improving so dont know how you dispute that
A lot of debt as raised on 5 live the other day is due to people living beyond their means - credit card frenzy
you seem to want a nanny state where we magic up the money (labour just borrow it and we have to pay tons of interest)
Many people happily bought their council houses and eventually sold them and made a nice little earner, remember people have a choice - you are blaming the Tories for giving people a choice.
What do you feel about the 2 wars labour dragged us into?
I get sick of people whinging wanting the government to do everything for you, get sick of spongers and benefit claimants taking the piss.
Fuel like everything always goes up,l uckily the most vulnerable get winter fuel allowance.
But I do disagree with the Bedroom tax - that's a cock up
If and when Labour get in I'm sure we will all be so much worse off, and a few on here wont be defending them as vigorously methinks![]()
I think you will find that those same scroungers were getting their benefits under the Tory government also
I am no great Labour supporter either I dislike both these 2 main parties
I notice that none of you pro Tory lot seem to want to defend our high fuel costs now, a situation totally down to your beloved Thatcher
"not having a leg to stand on" springs to mind............
Good post Les.
I'll also add...
Rioting was mainly confined to dissatisfied immigrants. Now racial prejudice I don't condone, but I won't be supporting drug-dealers and crooks either.
In reply to London_Manila:
Very few people who were encouraged by Maggie to buy their own homes lost them (early 90s)....mainly those who were living beyond their means anyway.
The problem was created by 'financial advisors' on commission, and irresponsible and gullible buyers...something that Labour had 13 years to correct, but of course didn't. Result, even bigger property boom and subsequent crash, with more repossessions than ever.
Most were happy to accumulate equity and stop paying rent.
Personal debt is a personal decision. Don't go blaming governments for your own stupidity.
Do you have to be a Union member to comment on Unions
Do you have to be a member of a political party to comment on their policies![]()
Thank goodness I don't have to go to church to comment on religion.![]()
Whatever any of you say, I'll still vote Tory!![]()
I know ArthurI was just getting up Joe's nose
It's what I do
You are right about the moral was unthinkable for normal folks back then to be married and divorced multiple times with all the emotional upheaval what comes with it.
Like I said, my parents had it easy...when times were tough they knew they had each other, no matter what. It's something I took for granted later in my life..........women (the ones I've come across of late) aren't made like that any more
No, worked for privately owned companies, rose up the Ranks and worked hard and did well.les or Graham have you ever been a union member
Eventually 20 years ago decided to work for myself with no capital hardly and became taxi driver, self employed and realised if i wanted things in life i had to do it myself, worked many Sat nights while my mates were enjoying themselves.
enables me to live half decent lifestyle though, but if i want anything, any treat I go out there work extra hours and earn it![]()
Of course we had people on benefits under the Tories, but it was labour who made it so much easier for the non-deserving Jeremy kyle culture they helped to create, they created a record number of allowances that totally bamboozled the system, but the shirkers of this world had plenty of time to work out and abuse.I think you will find that those same scroungers were getting their benefits under the Tory government also
So do you think gas and electric prices would have remained the same after all these years? We are an island and will always find things more expensive as we don't have enough natural resources.I notice that none of you pro Tory lot seem to want to defend our high fuel costs now, a situation totally down to your beloved Thatcher
"not having a leg to stand on" springs to mind............
Think you will find that many, many people who are 'struggling' still manage to power up their 40 plasma to watch x-factor
As the decades go by Fuel will be a luxury item as it is running out, one day it will outstrip Gold in terms of value.
les, thatcher played her part in creating the kyle culture with record levels of unemployment, no hope for most school leavers, your old enough to remember the early 80's with 10,000s of people a week losing their jobs, remember Trev McDonald closing the news with the daily and weekly job losses
yes the good old days of thatcher![]()
She was one of the best leaders we ever had,you will never make me think otherwise Joe,she would even beat millipiede in a fight i bet![]()
Ah, thread still going strong eh ?
I'm just catching up after ministering freebies to the poor and the idle again today.
Back to back private rented terraced houses...washing hanging across the street.
One family's only source of heating was the gas cooker. Encountered many heavy smokers, Bull terriors, shellsuits, security grills on windows and front doors, and sticky floors.
As Bernard Manning said about the 'ethnic' restaurant next door to him...
"Well, at least it keeps the flies out of my house".![]()
I was working one side of the street, while the debt collector was working the other side.
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