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  1. #1
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    she never got more than 44% of the vote, so out of those who bothered to vote at least 56% didn't vote for her
    Irrelevant the public have always been apathetic when it comes to voting

  2. #2
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Envious of the Chinese?
    Wonder why China is becoming the world powerhouse and governments in western countries (The countries who used to rule most of the world) are queuing up to kiss Chinese botty?

    Well there's nothing to stop us being more like the Chinese and before long Britain could once again be the world leading growing economy. We just need to change a few things....

    First of all, the British need to change their attitude to a "can do" one. Everywhere Chinese go in the world, they open businesses and work their backsides off.

    Secondly we need to have a huge cut in British wages. We need to start working long hours for less then the current minimum wage - and this applies to EVERYONE (Except members of the ruling government)

    Thirdly we need to do away with health and safety in the workplace. Yes, we'll go back to people dying due to chemical exposure and industrial diseases, but no worries huh, it's all for the good of the economy.

    Fourthly we need to do away with our elected government and install a dictatorship, who will enforce strong government, and execute anyone who steps too far out of line.

    So there you are, easy huh

    These countries are only overtaking us because they pay rubbish wages, hold low regard for their workers...........and America etc are willing to buy their cheaper goods

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    They have always paid low wages and have been a dictatorship,yet China as well as India are going to be huge whether you like it or not

  4. #4
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    They have always paid low wages and have been a dictatorship,yet China as well as India are going to be huge whether you like it or not
    China should be proud of themselves the governments there have kept the cost of living low unlike this government.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    huge as long as the Europe and the USA keep making their products there.

    I've said to the misses many times how many trillions of £'s would it take for the Phils gov to have roads, rail, housing, gas, water, drainage electric and housing on par with the UK ?

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