Dismayed my.
Dismayed my.
These criminal grubs should be stripped of their peerages - 2 more on the take were suspended today 1 predictably Labour and 1 Ulster Unionist
Anyway talking about snouts in the trough former Labour Minister Denis MacShane should be packing his toothbrush as he'll be sentenced on Thursday
For Cameron to say he is dismayed at this is a joke. If he didnt know about it he should have. He is running the country. When he is here that is.
reminds me of that Tory Mp who was moonlighting 40hrs a week , but attended parliament more than most , makes you wonder how he managed it![]()
Look they all do it, let's be honest I was annoyed it was a Tory but let's face it they are all a bunch of crooks - every party.
Cameron should not have to piss about with this he has more important things to do.
I hate to say it but Les is right for once. They are all at it in one way or another. It still doesnt excuse the fact that it should be stopped.
This kind of thing does not surprise me at all
They are all at it
They all enter politics to line their pockets no other reason
What surprises me is that anyone should be surprised about this. Surely this disclosure simply reinforces the views of many people that politicians reflect society - in it for what they can get. No shock. No Blinding Light. No Road to Damascus.
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