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Thread: Oh Dear……Not Another English Language Test!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Oh Dear……Not Another English Language Test!!

    Hi guys!!!

    Well……. it's visa application time (again).

    It looks like my wife will have to do another English language test to meet the English Language B1 requirements for her ILR visa.

    Almost two years ago she sat the Pearson PTE Academic test and had an overall score of 34 (listening 35 and Speaking 48). She hadn't realised that the computer based test had started and therefore missed the first 15 or so questions...

    I've been told by Pearson PTE that an overall score of 36 is required (minimum 36 in both listening and speaking) in order for the BI Level requirements to be met…….. is this correct ?


  2. #2
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    Hi New Shoes,

    Yes, that's correct. A minimum score of 36 in both listening and speaking is needed
    to achieve the required B1 level

    It's extremely unfortunate that she misses out by just 2 points and this results in the need for a re-test.
    I guess if there's any positive in this it's that she's been here in UK for 2 years and likely improved her capability greatly. Means she'll easily make the needed grade.
    With that in mind I'd suggest you review the latest UKBA Listing of Approved English Language test here with a view to locating the nearest low cost test & test centre.

    BTW if you take a look at page 30 you'll be able to confirm the PTE test scores needed

  3. #3
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    Well………… my wife took the Pearson PTE-A English Language test yesterday and unfortunately she scored 35 overall (up from 34 two years ago).
    More worryingly, although some scores were up from two years ago, her scores for listening and speaking were both down compared to two years ago.
    Listening 33 down from 35 and Speaking 44, down from 48.

    I'm wondering if it's the format of Pearson test that she's not comfortable with. From what she's told me, it's computer based and the various areas i.e. Listening, Speaking, Reading etc etc are taped questions/statements which are delivered very quickly and the test taker has only one shot at answering, before the test moves quickly onto the next question.
    So not only are you up against the language test, you're up against the clock!

    Are all tests made up of this format?

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Dave ... I'm not qualified to comment on the standards set for those (IMO, totally unnecessary Language tests for Filipinos whose second language - and medium of instruction - is English).

    However, from what you've said here, it seems clear - to me at any rate - that the not inconsiderable levels of stress and anxiety induced by the manner in which these tests are designed (combined with the time factors allocated for their completion) by far outweigh the purpose for which they're primarily intended.

    's my view. But there again ... ... I never was much good at trying to beat the clock!

  5. #5
    Respected Member New Shoes's Avatar
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    The irony of Filipinos required taking an English test!!
    I too agree that unnecessary added pressure of being against the clock seems unfair.

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