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Thread: Brits are not idle – they’re just taxed to death

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Brits are not idle – they’re just taxed to death

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Well, has - for many moons - had the reputation for being one of the most highly~taxed nations on earth. So ... ... nothing new there ... but that has always been the case - irrespective
    of whichever Party's in power!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Same old, Same old Joe, slagging off youngsters.

    The Romanian Labour minister must be laughing her socks off, the more Romanians going abroad to work means less they have to pay out in Benefits, Schooling, etc, whilst the overseas workers send money home to the benefit of their Economy.

    Of course the Romanian government is going to encourage it.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Same old, Same old Joe, slagging off youngsters.

    The Romanian Labour minister must be laughing her socks off, the more Romanians going abroad to work means less they have to pay out in Benefits, Schooling, etc, whilst the overseas workers send money home to the benefit of their Economy.

    Of course the Romanian government is going to encourage it.
    Why am I slagging off youngsters? I've not posted one word!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Why am I slagging off youngsters? I've not posted one word!
    No, I put it badly, what I meant was some of the media seem to enjoy doing it.

    You knew that really, didn't you?

  6. #6
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    I don't understand removal of Benefits equates to being a taxation?

    I appreciate the point about being worse off, but can't Get the 84% figure.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    I don't understand removal of Benefits equates to being a taxation?

    I appreciate the point about being worse off, but can't Get the 84% figure.
    It's in the form of tax, NI and heaven forbid, deductions for his Benefits

    Some seem to think receiving Benefits are a God-given right. Why can't these folks be like most of the productive human race and stand on their own two feet? We've all got to start somewhere. Lo and behold, when you are at the bottom, that's where you start!

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    It's in the form of tax NI and heaven forbid, deductions for his benefits

    Some seem to think receiving Benefits are a God-given right. Why can't these folks be like most of the productive human race and stand on their own two feet? We've all got to start somewhere. Lo and behold, when you are at the bottom, that's where you start!
    GWaPito, what should be a God-given right is a decent wage, one you can live off without needing Benefits to survive. We have the minimum wage, which is obliviously too low. Remind me GWaPito, wasn't it the Tories who brought that in?

    Try and live on the minimum wage for a month, GWaPito and see if you can stand up on your own feet then. Be thankful to your Union that you get paid more than the minimum wage and your Baltic State brothers

  9. #9
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Yes you're right, its not a taxation but it makes good headlines.

    Well it looks like they would not be worse off but would only be 16% better off after working 25 hours, before taking into account travel costs.

    No incentive to work, as its no longer a stigma not to have a job.

    Don't know the answer. Maybe make them appear every day and queue for their money.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    I work with youngsters, they are not workshy!

    I worked with one lad who was 19. He worked 9 to 5, then went home, changed his clothes to be at DHL at 6 pm til 9 pm 5 nights a week loading parcels; his second job was to pay for his car insurance.

  11. #11
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    True, there are many many hard-working and conscientious youngsters in this country...including my own son.

    I do believe that a lot of the problem is welfare benefits related though, and that the wrong message is being sent out to lazy and/or irresponsible people of all ages. This has been going on for years.

    I would also criticize the way training and re-training opportunities (or lack of) have been handled by recent governments. There could have been much more effort and money put into this, but with much stricter controls over both providers and 'clients'.

    PROPER training should be provided in REAL skills, rather than people just having to turn up at commercially run offices to be taught how to write a CV, and then scan a computer screen for jobs that they have probably little chance of landing, given their lack of even the most basic skills in both life and as useful employees.

    Ways must also be found to put an end to the criminal waste of existing skills possessed by a lot of older people.

    Perhaps two birds could be killed with one stone there....or would that be too simple and logical ?

  12. #12
    Respected Member highlander01's Avatar
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    My ex-wife owns a restaurant (which I still have a financial stake in) and she just despairs at the standard of British young people who apply and whom she has employed. With a few notable exceptions, they are often late (if they turn up at all) and seem incapable of putting in anything like a normal hard day's work.

    She now asks the Poles & Lithuanians who work for her for referrals, so she gets first choice when their friends arrive in the UK. It's the last thing that she wants to do - she'd much prefer to employ UK staff, but she has been driven to distraction. She's now increasingly getting workers from Spain.

    She's hardly unique - I hear this experience numerous times from other business owners in the town. It's maybe not politically correct to admit it - it's just a fact. I've no idea what the answer is - whether it is the Benefits' culture, excessive internet & phone addiction, drink, soft drugs. Maybe we are getting the best of the foreigners, and the lazy ones are staying at home.

    I just know when I was that age I worked my butt off to earn money - there is just no way my parents would have allowed me to laze around the house all day.

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    s ... from a hard~working Scot!

  14. #14
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    Good post highlander01.

    Over the years SOMETHING has definitely gone wrong with the way children are educated and brought up in this country.

    I wouldn't put it all down to schools. It is a general sloppy attitude towards pride and discipline that seems to have pervaded a lot of our society.

    Maybe it's because not so many attend church ? (and I'm an Atheist, but I DID attend church as a youngster).

    Fewer youngsters having had military training ?

    Anyway, there's been a real change in people's standards of behaviour, it seems to me.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Good post highlander01.

    Over the years SOMETHING has definitely gone wrong with the way children are educated and brought up in this country.

    I wouldn't put it all down to schools. It is a general sloppy attitude towards pride and discipline that seems to have pervaded a lot of our society.

    Maybe it's because not so many attend church ? (and I'm an Atheist, but I DID attend church as a youngster).

    Fewer youngsters having had military training ?

    Anyway, there's been a real change in people's standards of behaviour, it seems to me.

    The blame lies at the feet of the parents. Lazy good for nothing parents will produce the same in most cases. If dogs were treated the same, they would have them confiscated and be banned from keeping animals.

  16. #16
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Agree Graham

    It's gone over the tipping point now, where there`s no embarrassment at not working and, in some families, it's 2nd or 3rd generation not working.

    Also, in my day, and probably yours, it was boring with nothing to do. No daytime tv or computers and play stations. Now it's just become too comfortable. Same as food. Plenty of cheap convenience food around.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Course the Social Workers, Labour MPs (sorry but it's Labour ones, and they have let down the working class they were set up to represent), Lib Dem MPs, pressure groups, executives working on high salaries for charities, judges etc would all SCREAM from the rooftops at such a suggestion, but what needs to be done is.....

    Make it clear Benefits are not a right. They are there as part of a caring society to help people get their lives back together, therefore:

    Housing Benefit will be paid only at a level which would pay for a council house rent. Why the should we buy to let vultures get rich at the Government's expense? Short term there would be chaos, but in a matter of weeks the rents would crash, as the landlords would have no choice.

    Benefits will be issued in the form of vouchers, which can be redeemed for food, utilities bills and clothing only. Clothing will be non-branded.

    Vouchers will be issued weekly, for which claimants will visit an issuing office and queue up for their turn.

    No money or vouchers whatsoever will be issued for cigarettes, alcohol, Sky TV, etc. Want to drink and smoke? Well that's fine, but get a job to pay for it!

    Footnote - all the aforesaid people who would complain, one thing they all have in common, you can be sure they all live absolutely nowhere near areas of crime and deprivation.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Course the Social Workers, Labour MPs (sorry but it's Labour ones, and they have let down the working class they were set up to represent), Lib Dem MPs, Pressure Groups, Executives working on high salaries for charities, Judges, etc would all SCREAM from the rooftops at such a suggestion. But what needs to be done is.....

    Make it clear Benefits are not a right. They are there as part of a caring society to help people get their lives back together, therefore:

    Housing Benefit will be paid only at a level which would pay for a council house rent. Why the should we buy to let vultures get rich at the Government's expense? Short term there would be chaos, but in a matter of weeks the rents would crash, as the landlords would have no choice.

    Benefits will be issued in the form of vouchers, which can be redeemed for food, utilities bills and clothing only. Clothing will be non branded.

    Vouchers will be issued weekly, for which claimants will visit an issuing office and queue up for their turn.

    No money or vouchers whatsoever will be issued for cigarettes, alcohol, Sky TV etc. Want to drink and smoke? Well that's fine, but get a job to pay for it!

    Footnote - all the aforesaid people who would complain, one thing they all have in common, you can be sure they all live absolutely nowhere near areas of crime and deprivation.
    Worth quoting.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Course the Social Workers, Labour MPs (sorry but it's Labour ones, and they have let down the working class they were set up to represent). Lib Dem MPs, pressure groups, Executives working on high salaries for charities, Judges etc, would all SCREAM from the rooftops at such a suggestion, but what needs to be done is.....

    Make it clear Benefits are not a right. They are there as part of a caring society to help people get their lives back together, therefore:

    Housing Benefit will be paid only at a level which would pay for a council house rent. Why the should we buy to let vultures get rich at the Government's expense? Short term there would be chaos but in a matter of weeks the rents would crash, as the landlords would have no choice.

    Benefits will be issued in the form of vouchers, which can be redeemed for food, utilities bills and clothing only. Clothing will be non branded.

    Vouchers will be issued weekly, for which claimants will visit an issuing office and queue up for their turn.

    No money or vouchers whatsoever will be issued for cigarettes, alcohol, Sky TV, etc. Want to drink and smoke? Well that's fine, but get a job to pay for it!

    Footnote - all the aforesaid people who would complain, one thing they all have in common, you can be sure they all live absolutely nowhere near areas of crime and deprivation.
    So is this!

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