True, there are many many hard-working and conscientious youngsters in this country...including my own son.

I do believe that a lot of the problem is welfare benefits related though, and that the wrong message is being sent out to lazy and/or irresponsible people of all ages. This has been going on for years.

I would also criticize the way training and re-training opportunities (or lack of) have been handled by recent governments. There could have been much more effort and money put into this, but with much stricter controls over both providers and 'clients'.

PROPER training should be provided in REAL skills, rather than people just having to turn up at commercially run offices to be taught how to write a CV, and then scan a computer screen for jobs that they have probably little chance of landing, given their lack of even the most basic skills in both life and as useful employees.

Ways must also be found to put an end to the criminal waste of existing skills possessed by a lot of older people.

Perhaps two birds could be killed with one stone there....or would that be too simple and logical ?