One last thing, paperwork wise..... Ive got the req 6 months payslips and 6 months bank statements, i get paid every wednesday, and all entries are shown and match up, but three PAY DATES over the 6 months have less going into the bank that day than the wage slip we get cash advanced holiday pay as and when we request it the week before, so the firm gives us in cash then deducts it from your pay the next week(it doesnt show any deduction on the pay slip), ive typed up a letter showing the amounts/dates/and cash advanced on the three occasions, put our payroll guys details and asked him to sign and date ther letter next to my sign and date, explaining.... and saying i still got the actual wage the payslip says, this should be ok?in case ive collated another full months payslips and statements just in case to show them....Hes also the one who does my letter from employer and is available by phone on the day if required.