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Thread: where NOT to go in the philippines?

  1. #1
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    where NOT to go in the philippines?

    Hi there, as most of you know i am going to the philippines for the first time in december- and i will stay there for almost a month and mar and i plan to travel quite a bit.

    I just wonder if some people would tell me where i should definately avoid please?

    I know of course, the radically muslim part of Mindanao is to be avoided, but tell me . . .

    (and yep, we plan to do mindanao, visayas and luzon hehe)
    I will be based in Bayawan city - oriental negros (2 hours from dumaguete) because that is where my marivic lives

    should i stay away from any of the above

    --Other general sites of interest generally in the visayas

    I am thinking mainly from the point of view of health! are any of these places likely to give me a case of any sickness?? lol

    thanks so much


  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Well the fco have an email they send out every now and then which is the most important to keep an eye on any place mentioned on there from an insurance point of view is a complette no no. but of course its up to you if you so choose.

    Im sure others will tell you one of the most dangrous places is Manila like London and other large Cities the crime is normally much higher there.

    From a health point of view if you take the right precautions. Don't drink un boiled or bottled water (from a recgonised bottling plant), keep hydrated, avoid ice in your drinks. Plus all the normal precautions you should be fine.

    Many Phills will understand that you have a weaker stomach for the local food bugs around so will go out of their way to make sure the food is well cooked and kept refrigarated. When I go over my food left over goes in the fridge everyone elses just sits as they normally do with a fly cover in the shade on a kitchen table. They can take the bugs i can't i, so its just adapting to the enviroment.

    Just take precautions and enjoy yourself im sure your be fine

  3. #3
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    yeh, mar said that she will prepare for me lots of water -- bottled of course -- because she knows otherwise i will have kalibanga! lol and also with regards to food, she is already looking out for local dishes that may not be suitable for me . . . she is always looking out for me . . . reall selfless girl . . . i love her

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Your list contained Quezon province and Bohol..
    I was in Quezon last weekend to attend a local fiesta..
    Im still alive. I think!
    Bohol? Crime wise has less than anywhere that I have visited in the R.P.

  5. #5
    Respected Member cinmickey28's Avatar
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    As far as for general safety. The places you’ve mentioned are safer to go except Iligan City though there are still tourist going there but it is very near to Lanao Del Sur where Maranaos (Muslims) are. Cagayan De Oro is part of Mindanao but it is still safer to go there.

    Since you will be based in Bayawan. Best to go is Bohol and Cebu as they are also part of the Visayas and nearer to where you are. You can stay in Cebu if you want nice beaches. If you want to relax Bohol is the best and they have nice beaches too. They have some nice tourist spots too like the chocolate hills and sagbayan peak. The place is known for tourism industry. My partner prefers Bohol as the can drive there. He will not risk driving in Cebu as he is calling some of the taxi drivers mad. Or you might want to Boracay in Aklan to experience white sand beaches.

    As to health point of view, I agree with Andypaul just be very careful with what you eat and drink. As I understand that you have more sensitive stomach as that has been experienced by my partner. So, everytime he comes he would just have with him some tummy trouble medicine it’s not that he is getting it but just some precautions specially that we mostly travels to places too.

  6. #6
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Well, apart from taking malaria tablets (which I didn't bother with on my last visit) and not drinking unbottled water, I haven't worried about taking any special precautions.

    I've cleaned my teeth in tap water, I've taken ice in drinks and halohalo, I've eaten in some seedy-looking local eateries, I've spent lots of time out at Ruby's family home in the middle of rice fields and plantations (water supply from a well), and the only time I've had any sickness was after eating the seafood platter at one of the more respectable eateries (various shellfish, squid, etc).

    If you get to the Davao area, give us a call .. I'll pm my Phils number if you wish.

  7. #7
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    CDO is a bit run down, not a great deal to see

  8. #8
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    Hi there, as most of you know i am going to the philippines for the first time in december- and i will stay there for almost a month and mar and i plan to travel quite a bit.

    I just wonder if some people would tell me where i should definately avoid please?

    I know of course, the radically muslim part of Mindanao is to be avoided, but tell me . . .

    (and yep, we plan to do mindanao, visayas and luzon hehe)
    I will be based in Bayawan city - oriental negros (2 hours from dumaguete) because that is where my marivic lives

    should i stay away from any of the above

    --Other general sites of interest generally in the visayas

    I am thinking mainly from the point of view of health! are any of these places likely to give me a case of any sickness?? lol

    thanks so much

    tom i refer you in bohol its a nice place and you don't need to worry about your health just drink bottled water and almost 2hours from dumaguete by supercat

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    One thing worth doing is any anti dirraorhea tablets or sickness pills worth buying here and testing if at all possible. As its better to find out the best medcine for you now rather than in a small village whilst driving though late at night feeling the urge to go, and jet laged.

    Same with mosiqutio repellant and bite treatment. One of the best things i ever bought is a little device you can buy in Boots which if you get bitten and the bite itchs you hold near to itand press a button you get a little shock which stops the itching. it stops you damaging the bite so it heals quicker.

  10. #10
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    wow that sounds like an excellent device andy, thanks i gotta get down to boots to see if they got that here

    oh everyone thank you so much for all your information

    oh and i heard it's risky to go to bagiuo coz there's some sort of fever or something there! does anyone know anything about that?


  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    In Baguio most likely phills probably keep getting colds,one beautiful day when we went to a local mountain in laguna the kids in the party had to put coats on and theres me in shorts saying to everyone this is the perfect temperature.

    I doubt its too bad in the Baguio as plenty of people go there and not heard to many complaints.

  12. #12
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Bohol is just lovely but don't go there when it is Habagat season. Boracay is a paradise.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    Hi there, as most of you know i am going to the philippines for the first time in december- and i will stay there for almost a month and mar and i plan to travel quite a bit.
    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post

    I just wonder if some people would tell me where i should definately avoid please?

    I know of course, the radically muslim part of Mindanao is to be avoided, but tell me . . .

    (and yep, we plan to do mindanao, visayas and luzon hehe)
    I will be based in Bayawan city - oriental negros (2 hours from dumaguete) because that is where my marivic lives

    should i stay away from any of the above

    --Other general sites of interest generally in the visayas

    I am thinking mainly from the point of view of health! are any of these places likely to give me a case of any sickness?? lol

    thanks so much


    Hiya Tom,
    Since you want to live in the Phils in 2 years time and you base is in Negros, why not give it a try to explore the whole Negros Occidental and Negros Oriental for sure, your month visit is not enough to explore the whole island. Plenty of beautiful places as well to see. I've already told you this. So, it's up for you. I just remember the point of view of our Governor before. I came to see him one day and I said I will have a complete tour tothe entire Phils and what he said to me before you explore the whole Phils, why not explore our island first. He said to me then, Negros island is beautiful just the same and he said to me and who knows later after you explore the Negros Island everything will follow. He said who knows after this you will expore the whole world. I think, that's the great advice. So, that is my advice Tom, explore the Negros Island both the Occidental and the Oriental, who knows even Maravic first time to explore the whole island as well. So, you have the time to learn and educate yourself together about Negros. Cheers.

  14. #14
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    hey char thanks for your recommendations i know u well, coz i knew u were gonna suggest this hehehe! thanks again

    hey charity, haven't seen u online in a while, hope to see u online soon


  15. #15
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Well, apart from taking malaria tablets (which I didn't bother with on my last visit) and not drinking unbottled water, I haven't worried about taking any special precautions.

    I've cleaned my teeth in tap water, I've taken ice in drinks and halohalo, I've eaten in some seedy-looking local eateries, I've spent lots of time out at Ruby's family home in the middle of rice fields and plantations (water supply from a well), and the only time I've had any sickness was after eating the seafood platter at one of the more respectable eateries (various shellfish, squid, etc).
    .....and he looks perfectly normal after all that You can tell by a recent pic.

    Keith - Administrator

  16. #16
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    its hard to believe that that used to freak me out! talk about kalibanga?! lol! hehe


  17. #17
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    hi tommy, its getting nearer and nearer for you to go to PI.But just a bit of Info before leaving uk try to make an appointment to your GP for Hepa Injection and mention that you are going to PI for the 1st time so that they could give you any injections against from tropical climate.Goodluck tom and to your marivic!Its nice you`ll experience our christmass there.
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  18. #18
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    hi tommy, its getting nearer and nearer for you to go to PI.But just a bit of Info before leaving uk try to make an appointment to your GP for Hepa Injection and mention that you are going to PI for the 1st time so that they could give you any injections against from tropical climate.Goodluck tom and to your marivic!Its nice you`ll experience our christmass there.
    Word tetnaus and rabies are two you need to make sure your up to date with as long as quite a few others which the docs will advise.

  19. #19
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You can tell by a recent pic.
    Hey, I'm so pleased you managed to catch me on a good day, Keith!

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    Hey, I'm so pleased you managed to catch me on a good day, Keith!
    Thanks for the cheque, arrived this morning Never heard of the PeeOff Bank before though
    Keith - Administrator

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