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Thread: Margaret Thatcher tax shock: £12m mansion where she saw out her days registered in TAX HAVEN

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Margaret Thatcher tax shock: £12m mansion where she saw out her days registered in TAX HAVEN

    well what do you expect from a Tory

    An expert said: “It's strange that the most British of prime ministers enjoyed the benefits of a property registered in the British Virgin Islands"

    read more here ..

  2. #2
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    Joe - Can you point me to where in the article it says Mrs T held any shares in the property owning company ? All I can see is :-

    Papers linked to her will state “the gross value of the estate in the United Kingdom amounts to £4,768,795”. But it does not appear to include the Belgravia mansion, valued at £12.4million by Zoopla.

    The house was bought in 1991 by Bakeland Property Limited, an anonymous offshore trust in Jersey, on a 64-year lease. It was sub-leased to a firm of the same name based in the British Virgin Islands.

    It is not known who the beneficiaries of Bakeland are. If Thatcher had owned shares in it when she died, inheritance tax would have been due on their value.

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Some nice words (true) said about her under the story.

  4. #4
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    Blimey...she was a lot poorer then Bliar then.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Blimey...she was a lot poorer then Bliar then.
    I expect the £12m mansion is part of the Blairs property portfolio

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Joe - Can you point me to where in the article it says Mrs T held any shares in the property owning company ? All I can see is :-

    Papers linked to her will state “the gross value of the estate in the United Kingdom amounts to £4,768,795”. But it does not appear to include the Belgravia mansion, valued at £12.4million by Zoopla.

    The house was bought in 1991 by Bakeland Property Limited, an anonymous offshore trust in Jersey, on a 64-year lease. It was sub-leased to a firm of the same name based in the British Virgin Islands.

    It is not known who the beneficiaries of Bakeland are. If Thatcher had owned shares in it when she died, inheritance tax would have been due on their value.
    come on dedworth, its all dodgy and you know that, thatcher living in a £12m mansion and no one knows who owns it she must be renting it , or she owns it why all the mystery ??

    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Blimey...she was a lot poorer then Bliar then.
    well she was only a grocers daughter and lived to the ripe old age of 87, so maybe her money went on rent (thou i recall she didn't pay rent !!!) maybe her money went on heating her mansion

  7. #7
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    She was also married to a successful businessman.

    Both worked hard to get where they were, and had experienced 'real life'. I can't knock that.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    She was also married to a successful businessman.

    Both worked hard to get where they were, and had experienced 'real life'. I can't knock that.
    I would have thought most people who work, work hard but dont have millions in the bank, actually you might be wrong, it seems she was going to leave Dennis money

    Thatcher’s financial advisors refused in 2002 to explain why she did not appear to own her own house, and stated: “No one’s going to tell you about that.”
    did she rent or live in social housing maybe the newspaper of the year, the daily mail could investigate who owns the £12m mansion she was living in, and who was paying the rent

    dedworth should be able to find out, a few days ago he posted about the union leader living and paying for his social housing, i wonder who paid for thatcher and why ?

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    Maybe the £12m mansion belonged a friend who let her stay there - what do you think Joe or is it just the figure of £12 million that bothers you ?

    June 2013 the Blairs property portfolio was quoted as being worth £21 million - no doubt he's squirreled away his immoral earnings in a few more since then

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Maybe the £12m mansion belonged a friend who let her stay there - what do you think Joe or is it just the figure of £12 million that bothers you ?

    June 2013 the Blairs property portfolio was quoted as being worth £21 million - no doubt he's squirreled away his immoral earnings in a few more since then
    what bothers me dedworth you would be singing a different tune if it was Blair or any other labour politician, but as it's a Tory and your great leader you sweep it under the carpet with maybe's

  11. #11
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead politicians

  12. #12
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what bothers me dedworth you would be singing a different tune if it was Blair or any other labour politician, but as it's a Tory and your great leader you sweep it under the carpet with maybe's
    great leader
    Thank you for those kind words Joe, indeed she was great

  13. #13
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Thank you for those kind words Joe,indeed she was great
    :icon_lol :you missed the your great leader

    to me and many other people, she destroyed this country

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Ding Dong the wicked witch is dead politicians
    , i like this better

  15. #15
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    Some people have very short memories.

    The country was in a terrible state when Maggie was elected. We needed a leader with balls to drag GB Ltd up by the scruff of its neck, and we found one.

    Poor was.' The sick man of Europe'.

    Tell me. Which party was in power during most of sorry that period ?

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    record unemployment, riots, sold everything off that was British, the greed of the yuppies .. must be the Tories Graham

  17. #17
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Unions shafting us all,country was all but broken-she kicked their arses, wiped the floor with the Argies and gave us our identity back.
    What is this country now after years of labours crap - it's a mess where you can't even say what you want unless your an Islamic nutter.
    We have been Raped by labours policies - why do you think they lost the last Election.
    Why you would want Labour back in power dumbfounds lots of us, can you not remember how they left the country, why they lost the Election?

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    record unemployment, riots, sold everything off that was British, the greed of the yuppies .. must be the Tories Graham
    Yep, it must of been that bad Joe, she won 3 consecutive terms in office

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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Unions shafting us all,country was all but broken-she kicked their arses,wiped the floor with the Argies and gave us our identity back.
    What is this country now after years of labours crap-it's a mess where you can't even say what you want unless your an Islamic nutter.
    We have been Raped by labours policies-why do you think they lost the last Election.
    Why you would want Labour back in power dumbfounds lots of us,can you not remember how they left the country,why they lost the Election?
    They want all of us to live in the gutter

    The mess Bliar and Co left is going to take more than 3 years to clean up.
    Still, David has kicked our economy into shape

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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Unions shafting us all, country was all but broken - she kicked their arses, wiped the floor with the Argies and gave us our identity back.
    What is this country now after years of labours crap - it's a mess where you can't even say what you want unless your an Islamic nutter.
    We have been Raped by labours policies-why do you think they lost the last Election.
    Why you would want Labour back in power dumbfounds lots of us, can you not remember how they left the country, why they lost the Election?
    Wow the right wing Tory gutter press really did a good job on you

    Don't think for 1 second that Cameron and his fellow Tory Toffs give a 4xxxx about you

    Whatever the unions did in the past is in the past
    The bottom line today is normal working people need the unions now more than ever

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    They want all of us to live in the gutter

    The mess Bliar and Co left is going to take more than 3 years to clean up.
    Still, David has kicked our economy into shape
    Take a look around many people are virtually living in the gutter now
    Minimum wage zero hours contracts and hardly any workers rights left

    That don't stop the Tory Toffs and their backers lining their pockets by selling off Royal Mail on the cheap

    Yes the economy is really looking great with over 9 million people in this country seriously in debt
    That debt is going to need paying off at some stage!

    Camerons help to buy scheme has already been sunk by the bank of England
    If Cameron is so helpful on the british economy would he be introducing "vote winning" ideas like this
    According to the Tories there is no housing bubble at the moment = who are they trying to kid
    Remember in the eighties when Thatcher told everyone to buy their own houses
    A few years later and most of them lost their houses when interest rates went up to 14%
    Camerons help to buy scheme will end up going that way as well
    The Bank of England has already warned about this only last week

    If you cant stump up the money for a deposit on a house then you should not even think about buying it
    Simple economics

    Looking forward to your EXTORTIONATE winter fuel bills rolling in? Another great Thatcher idea

    I doubt if Camerons bedroom tax is going to effect many of his fellow Tory Toffs

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Wow the right wing Tory gutter press really did a good job on you

    Don't think for 1 second that Cameron and his fellow Torry Toffs give a 4xxxx about you

    Whatever the unions did in the past is in the past
    The bottom line today is normal working people need the unions now more than ever
    The 'right wing gutter press' hasn't done a job on any of us....we were actually living and working in that ..... era...correct me if I'm wrong..You weren't even born.

    This 'past is past' statement. I notice it's said a lot in the Phil..............I'm afraid the past has a bearing on everything no matter how far you want bury your head in the sand. Here's another saying...'the past will come back to haunt you'......while you are pondering that I got to sleep

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Take a look around many people are virtually living in the gutter now
    Minimum wage zero hours contracts and hardly any workers rights left

    That don't stop the Tory Toffs and their backers lining their pockets by selling off Royal Mail on the cheap

    Looking forward to your EXTORTIONATE winter fuel bills rolling in? Another great Thatcher idea

    I doubt if Camerons bedroom tax is going to effect many of his fellow Tory Toffs
    Actually, it only affects folks in social housing.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Actually, it only affects folks in social housing.
    EXACTLY and that was my point = not many Tory voters there

  25. #25
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Take a look around many people are virtually living in the gutter now
    Minimum wage zero hours contracts and hardly any workers rights left
    Yes living in the gutter while texting each other on their Samsungs
    Unions stuffed you on your rights, holding the rest of the country to Ransom - blame your Mr Scargill
    The economy is improving so dont know how you dispute that
    A lot of debt as raised on 5 live the other day is due to people living beyond their means - credit card frenzy
    you seem to want a nanny state where we magic up the money (labour just borrow it and we have to pay tons of interest)
    Many people happily bought their council houses and eventually sold them and made a nice little earner, remember people have a choice - you are blaming the Tories for giving people a choice.
    What do you feel about the 2 wars labour dragged us into?
    I get sick of people whinging wanting the government to do everything for you, get sick of spongers and benefit claimants taking the piss.
    Fuel like everything always goes up,l uckily the most vulnerable get winter fuel allowance.

    But I do disagree with the Bedroom tax - that's a cock up
    If and when Labour get in I'm sure we will all be so much worse off, and a few on here wont be defending them as vigorously methinks

  26. #26
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    Good post Les.

    I'll also add...

    Rioting was mainly confined to dissatisfied immigrants. Now racial prejudice I don't condone, but I won't be supporting drug-dealers and crooks either.

    In reply to London_Manila:

    Very few people who were encouraged by Maggie to buy their own homes lost them (early 90s)....mainly those who were living beyond their means anyway.

    The problem was created by 'financial advisors' on commission, and irresponsible and gullible buyers...something that Labour had 13 years to correct, but of course didn't. Result, even bigger property boom and subsequent crash, with more repossessions than ever.

    Most were happy to accumulate equity and stop paying rent.

    Personal debt is a personal decision. Don't go blaming governments for your own stupidity.

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Yep, it must of been that bad Joe, she won 3 consecutive terms in office
    Blair won 3, unlike thatcher he didn't have record levels of unemployment, rioting which there was under thatcher, under Blair Britain enjoyed more than 10 years of continuous growth and low inflation, minimum wage, took over 1m out of poverty. what did thatcher do ???????

  28. #28
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    The 'right wing gutter press' hasn't done a job on any of us....we were actually living and working in that ..... era...correct me if I'm wrong..You weren't even born.
    did the unions shaft you gWaPito
    les or Graham have you ever been a union member ???

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Blair won 3, unlike thatcher he didn't have record levels of unemployment, rioting which there was under thatcher, under Blair Britain enjoyed more than 10 years of continuous growth and low inflation, minimum wage, took over 1m out of poverty. what did thatcher do ???????
    Which we're all paying for now. How is MG Rover doing ?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    did the unions shaft you gWaPito
    les or Graham have you ever been a union member ???
    Yes, I was branch secretary of the CPSA (as it was called then) when I worked for the Dept of Employment.

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