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Thread: Britain a debased & morally corrupt country - Royal Marine jailed for life

  1. #61
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    In other words you would rather we were judged and act the same as the Taliban.."an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists".

    Well sorry i do not agree.
    I have to jump in here, yes what we will do is blow up as many civilians as possible, behead people in the streets, mutilate women and children for not learning the bible and murder anyone who doesn't believe in our religion!

    Yes we're just like the Taliban (NOT)

  2. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    In other words you would rather we were judged and act the same as the Taliban.."an inhuman rabble of illegal combatants, terrorists and extremists".

    Well sorry i do not agree.
    The way to deal with these savages is by using extreme violence, that is the only thing they understand. This isn't a rugger match where the chaps shake hands and have a beer together after the final whistle

  3. #63
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    The way to deal with these savages is by using extreme violence, that is the only thing they understand. This isn't a rugger match where the chaps shake hands and have a beer together after the final whistle
    Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in thier past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.

  4. #64
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jamieXXXmaria View Post
    Another pawn to the slaughter. Who would be a soldier eh?

    He risked life and limb for his country and that's the thanks he gets.
    he volunteered to join the Marines, no one forced him to, he got paid for doing his job and part of his of his job was to follow the Geneva convention which he failed to do.

    he was laughing about it, i thought the Marines were professionals ?

  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in thier past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.
    Can't you see where this country has got by 25 years of appeasing and pandering to them ? Savages decapitating off duty soldiers, terrorists mass murdering our citizens, groomers, drug dealers, insurance and benefit fraudsters, "honour" killers, preachers of hatred and violence etc etc The list is endless. What positives do they bring to our western, christian society and culture ? Answers on a postage stamp please

    They don't understand the words fair, reasonable, justice and properly

  6. #66
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    To confirm that just listen what that ....... who killed Lee Rigby has said in court today

  7. #67
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth why haven't you posted a link about the story from today's edition from the news paper of the decade

    right, lets look at this.. 100,000, where have they got this number from? someone clicking on facebook , how many have actually signed the petition , here's one, there are a few, some with 0 signatures

    i think this is the main one.. - 34,000 have signed it, dedworth what's the readership of the mail , 2m+, what % is that, it tells you most people cant be bothered or they agree with the prison sentence

    a survey found that six out of ten people thought the commando’s prison sentence should be halved to five years.

    One in three of the 900 people questioned by pollsters Survation felt he should serve no jail time at all
    so the majority, 6 out of 10 people think he should serve 5yrs

    and 1 out 3 thinks he should be set free, looks like you lot on here are in the minority, as 2/3rds think he should go to prison

  8. #68
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    To confirm that just listen what that ....... who killed Lee Rigby has said in court today
    and how many of these brainwashed people will now seek revenge for what the marine did

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in thier past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.
    Good post. I agree.

  10. #70
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    dedworth the mail has got some way to go beating this

    looks like more care about getting to work than the marine or they agree with the sentence.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedworth why haven't you posted a link about the story from today's edition from the news paper of the decade

    right, lets look at this.. 100,000, where have they got this number from? someone clicking on facebook , how many have actually signed the petition , here's one, there are a few, some with 0 signatures

    i think this is the main one.. - 34,000 have signed it, dedworth what's the readership of the mail , 2m+, what % is that, it tells you most people cant be bothered or they agree with the prison sentence

    so the majority, 6 out of 10 people think he should serve 5yrs

    and 1 out 3 thinks he should be set free, looks like you lot on here are in the minority, as 2/3rds think he should go to prison
    Just stick to your Virgin Trains petition Joe - you're flogging a dead horse on this thread. Most of us "you lot" on here are patriotic and want the best for the country which doesn't involve the criminals, terrorists and extremists you seemingly empathise with.

    If you want to do something useful I'd be lobbying for closure of that "Asylum Seeker" hotel up the road

  12. #72
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    so everyone who thinks he was wrong to kill is not patriotic
    unlike most on here, i don't put this country down (except for politicians and a few judges) i'm not one of many on here who cant wait to leave here

    i think you'll find i'm more patriotic than most, you know where i was on Sunday the 10th Nov at 11am, while many were still in their beds

  13. #73
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I would like to find the that released the footage.

  14. #74
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    I would like to find the that released the footage.
    i think it was a civilian, possibly someone repairing one of the marines laptop or pc and they watched the video and contacted the police.

  15. #75
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Not suggesting that at all....but i am saying that if one of them is wounded, has surrendered we should be showing them we don't stoop to their level but ensure they get treated as a prisoner should and tried properly for crimes they may have committed. Perhaps in their past that's what they understood but its better they are shown better ways exist and the reputation for fairness of the British soldier remains intact.
    show me any taliban prison of war camps please, exactly - there are none and why, because they don,t take prisoners they kill anyone they find .but hey ho you want us to show respect and be humane .......S there will only be peace when they are all dead .

  16. #76
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  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    To confirm that just listen what that ....... who killed Lee Rigby has said in court today
    This court case annoys me a lot

    We are foolish to give these cretins any publicity at all (exactly what they want)

    They should never have been allowed to plead not guilty on the grounds of overwhelming evidence against them

    I dont want to read their brainwashed views in the papers for the next few weeks

  18. #78
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    This court case annoys me a lot

    We are foolish to give these cretins any publicity at all (exactly what they want)

    They should never have been allowed to plead not guilty on the grounds of overwhelming evidence against them

    I dont want to read their brainwashed views in the papers for the next few weeks
    I agree, he can say anything he wants,be a complete racist, damn our country and servicemen etc etc,it does not need reporting, we all know the evil crap he will spout out.
    Just wish we could hang him and somehow prove to him he wont be a Martyr and their ain't 72 virgins waiting for him but an eternal hell

  19. #79
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    How Lawyers can defend cretins like these and sleep at night is beyond me. When they are found guilty and sentence is passed their lawyers should serve the same sentence IMO.

  20. #80
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    Yep....should have been given a bullet to the head by the cops, both of them....sent straight to the morgue and saved a lot of angst and public money.

    When this crap comes on the news I turn off the sound or the TV.

  21. #81
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Too right they should have got the bullit ya know why ? well they will be out in about 15 years and they will no doubt try again these ....ers will never change period

  22. #82
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    I wonder what the views of our forum Taliban sympathisers are on this gross waste of public money and free publicity to the extremists at the Old Bailey ?

  23. #83
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    How Lawyers can defend cretins like these and sleep at night is beyond me. When they are found guilty and sentence is passed their lawyers should serve the same sentence IMO.
    Unfortunately they don't have any choice in the matter, they may not like it but they have to do it.

  24. #84
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Unfortunately they don't have any choice in the matter, they may not like it but they have to do it.
    they do have a choice they can refuse the case if they want ,but because the tax payer is footing the bill ,well its easy money for them because they are going to get found guilty anyway due to the evidence

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    they do have a choice they can refuse the case if they want ,but because the tax payer is footing the bill ,well its easy money for them because they are going to get found guilty anyway due to the evidence
    Good point - the identity of these treasonous lawyers and the obscene amounts they are being paid should be given maximum publicity

  26. #86
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    In English law (and other countries which adopt the rule), the cab-rank rule is the obligation of a barrister to accept any work in a field in which he professes himself competent to practise, at a court at which he normally appears, and at his usual rates. The rule derives its name from the tradition by which a Hackney carriage driver at the head of a queue of taxicabs is supposed to take the first passenger requesting a ride.

    Paragraph 602 of the Code of Conduct of the Bar of England and Wales states:

    A self-employed barrister must comply with the "Cab-rank rule" and accordingly except only as otherwise provided in paragraphs 603 604 605 and 606 he must in any field in which he professes to practise in relation to work appropriate to his experience and seniority and irrespective of whether his client is paying privately or is publicly funded:

    (a) accept any brief to appear before a Court in which he professes to practise;

    (b) accept any instructions;

    (c) act for any person on whose behalf he is instructed;

    and do so irrespective of (i) the party on whose behalf he is instructed (ii) the nature of the case and (iii) any belief or opinion which he may have formed as to the character reputation cause conduct guilt or innocence of that person.[1]

    In the absence of such a rule, it might be difficult for an unpopular person to obtain legal representation, and barristers who act for such people might be criticised for doing so.

  27. #87
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    I still believe there will be an opt out clause in the rules being related being one of them so there must be an option in the rules for it to be un bias . here in the philippines with the on going pork barrel scam napoles lawyer dropped her client half way through the case lol I wonder why ?

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    I still believe there will be an opt out clause in the rules being related being one of them so there must be an option in the rules for it to be un bias . here in the philippines with the on going pork barrel scam napoles lawyer dropped her client half way through the case lol I wonder why ?
    You're probably right - Graspers like Cherie Blair and Michael Mansfield seem to operate exclusively publicly funded for the worst kind of criminals and human rights chancers. Other lawyers rightly have a higher moral plane

  29. #89
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    It is only a cab rank in the sense of an obligation on the cab driver to take the punter. The punter is not obliged to get into the taxi at the front of the line. In other words, the client can choose which counsel to instruct, and counsel is not able to refuse the case if he/she is available, it is within his/her field of practice and an adequate fee is offered (legal aid is deemed adequate, although in practice it often isn't).

    The cab rank principle is important, as it enables people with bad cases or who are unpopular with the public to obtain representation. Of course, as with a real taxi, there are more or less subtle ways of saying "South of the river, Guv? You're having a giraffe".

  30. #90
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I wonder what the views of our forum Taliban sympathisers are on this gross waste of public money and free publicity to the extremists at the Old Bailey ?
    I don't recollect reading anything from a Taliban sympathiser on the forum. The case at the old bailey should be the subject of a separate thread and not be used here to divert attention from the opinions of others about the soldiers guilt that are obviously valid and endorsed by the sentence he received.

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