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Thread: Britain a debased & morally corrupt country - Royal Marine jailed for life

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    Angry Britain a debased & morally corrupt country - Royal Marine jailed for life

    A Royal Marine who murdered a badly wounded Taliban insurgent must serve at least 10 years in prison for a cold blooded killing that tarnished the reputation of the Armed Forces, a judge has said.

    Shameful - what kind of message does this send out to our armed forces. Not only are they expected to fight with one hand tied behind their backs but the threat of being hung out to dry looms over them.

    I hope the brave Sgt wins the appeal

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i wonder if it was the other way round what would have happened, shot,then hung drawn and quartered, then dragged through the town with the people shouting and dancing behind the body, and nothing would have happened to the person or people doing it , just my thoughts

  3. #3
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    These things happen in WAR, and have done so since the beginning of time...just that the British delight in self-flagellation these days, and airing their dirty washing for the whole world to see and puzzle over.

    I wonder how many millions in compensation the ENEMY's family have been paid, and how it compares to that paid to our own boys and girls.

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Yes we .... on our own these days, We have covered this story before and I'm with the Marine every inch of the way

  5. #5
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    A Disgrace, and before the do gooders pipe in about human rights

  6. #6
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    We had all this lawyer crap in the Balkans...........If a guy has a grenade in his hand you must not shoot him!!!!! But if he throws it you can shoot him FFS.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Shameful - what kind of message does this send out to our armed forces. Not only are they expected to fight with one hand tied behind their backs but the threat of being hung out to dry looms over them.

    I hope the brave Sgt wins the appeal

    from your link dedworth ..

    Jeff Blackett, Judge Advocate General, said Blackman’s behaviour during the murder, inadvertently captured on helmet camera, had been “chilling”.

    He said: “The tone and calmness of your voice as you commented after you shot him were matter of fact and in that respect they were chilling.”

    He continued: “Your actions have put at risk the lives of other British service personnel. You have provided ammunition to the terrorists whose propaganda portrays the British presence in Afghanistan as part of a war on Islam in which civilians are arbitrarily killed.

    “That ammunition will no doubt be used in their programme of radicalisation. That could seriously undermine the reputation of British forces and ultimately the mission in Afghanistan.

    “Committing this sort of act could well provoke the enemy to act more brutally towards British troops in retribution or reprisal.

  8. #8
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    The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

    They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

    Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

    No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that hole.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

    They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

    Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

    No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that hole.
    and then I'd charge Joes hero Judge Blackett with Treason

  10. #10
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I think if all this carries on then it may be an option one day, carpet bomb the lot - sounds harsh and maybe it is but if its the only way to rid the world of the Islamic extremists.

    Followers of Islam never seem happy with what they have got, they want to change everything including us, we don't do that!

    If someone doesn't believe in god, go to church etc then so be it - nothing is forced on you, but with Islam you have to obey or you will be punished.

    So maybe if it comes to a head then the only solution is for the peace loving nations to live their lives as they wish then you have to eradicate to a great extent people who wish to change your way of life.

    This is not new it happened centuries ago and maybe it will come round again - two different opinions of which one can't be pacified

  11. #11
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    The terrorists don't need any more ammunition.

    They are lunatics following a lunatic religion.

    Personally I'd be happy to take the women and kids out and then nuke the whole damn useless Poppy-growing country.

    No outsiders, well-meaning or otherwise have ever benefitted from stepping into that hole.

  12. #12
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    I think if all this carries on then it may be an option one day, carpet bomb the lot - sounds harsh and maybe it is but if its the only way to rid the world of the Islamic extremists.

    Followers of Islam never seem happy with what they have got,they want to change everything including us, we don't do that!

    If someone doesn't believe in god, go to church etc then so be it - nothing is forced on you, but with Islam you have to obey or you will be punished.

    So maybe if it comes to a head then the only solution is for the peace loving nations to live their lives as they wish then you have to eradicate to a great extent people who wish to change your way of life.

    This is not new it happened centuries ago and maybe it will come round again - two different opinions of which one can't be pacified
    I would go one step further and ban everyone that worships islam from coming to the u.k, its like a cancer and is spreading it must be stopped.

  13. #13
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    if anyone on here is on facebook please join the campaign to free the marine 30,000 have already and its only one day old

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    and then I'd charge Joes hero Judge Blackett with Treason
    dedworth, he was found guilty by 7 officers, even his own commanding officers said '“His momentary and fatal lapse of judgement'

  15. #15
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    dedworth, he was found guilty by 7 officers, even his own commanding officers said '“His momentary and fatal lapse of judgement'
    The taliban do not recognise the geneva convention and we are not fighting on a level playing field here. The taliban hide amongst civvies blow up innocent people and would not treat a u.k soldier if caught, so why should our boys play equal. If this was a normal war and each side abide by the rules of war then yes this guy would deserve what he got. you should not have to fight a war with one arm tied behind your back. The guy with the camera should have switched it off while they blew his sorry brains out so I blame him to a degree.

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Well it seems Joe nearly all the forum members disagree with you on this one, Tiger is 100% right and at the end of the day it probably was a mercy killing as he was already badly wounded.
    Remember if it was the other way round our lads would certainly have been finished off and their heads paraded through the streets - lets not forget what happened to Lee Rigby for all to see.

    These fanatics are Barbarians and as far as I'm concerned the gloves are off.

  17. #17
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    Now if a country has capital punishment, it's perfectly ok to 'murder' quite dispassionately someone who is at the time basically helpless.

    If I'm drunk and deliberately run someone down in my car (prove otherwise), I may go to prison for what...3 years ?

    What a silly world we live in.

    Of course an injured prisoner should not be killed in that way, but the publicity given to this incident is what is so stupid....and recording it.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Of course an injured prisoner should not be killed in that way, but the publicity given to this incident is what is so stupid....and recording it.
    The case is unprecedented in modern times, with no other serviceman having been convicted of murder on a foreign battlefield since at least the Second World War.
    well thankfully its a rare case, and hopefully it doesn't happen again

  19. #19
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Well, I've said it before, If he had taken the enemy prisoner instead of killing him he would have probably have got a medal and he and his family would be having a better Christmas than what they will be getting!

  20. #20
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    Very true.

    He should definitely be jailed for a certain amount of time, for stupidity
    if nothing whoever was recording the goings-on.

  21. #21
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    What he did was wrong - there is no escaping this.

    No-one though seems to be questioning a possible other side here. This is one of a group of men who have seen mates blown to bits, and know they are dealing with people who definitely have not signed the Geneva Convention. Compared to the chattering class in Islington, they could be described as a bit more mentally shocked, and harder headed.

    Presumably those who discovered this footage were also military personnel. Presumably then, they know what it's like "out there" - or does the army also have pen pushing social worker cuddly leftie types, working of course in safe locations back home?

    You'd have thought then a real army man would upon discovering this, have passed it to his immediate superior, Sgt Blackman would have been given the mother of all rollockings, then to protect him, his family and every other at risk serviceman, it would have been covered up. He might have been discharged with say a gagging order.

    But no, they went public. No it isn't necessarily Sgt Blackman who has given the enemy this present of publicity - it's whoever has let it go public, and has dragged the army's name through the mud.
    It is they who are the real disgrace.

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think what happened was a civilian found the video on a laptop\pc - might have been repairing it, and called the police.

    well les it doesn't matter what this forum thinks , he was found guilty by a jury of 7 officers, so your telling me they are wrong and your right , i suppose you was in court each day ? they are officers and they sat thru the whole case, and they all found him guilty. the guy and no one is above the law , nor should they be

  23. #23
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I picked up an officer (oh missis) last night from the Army foundation College and asked him what he thought.
    He said what the guy did was wrong,I pointed out to him though if the guy who was not actually captured as a prisoner,but someone who an Apache tried to take out recovered from his injuries,then say 3 months later set up an IED which blew up 10 soldiers,was it a good idea to spare him?
    The office said Hmm your right
    The purpose of our soldiers is to take the enemy out-end of.
    If a whole bunch of people surrender as seen in Falklands,both world wars etc that is different,but we are dealing with a different class of enemy,even if a bunch did surrender how do we know one of them has not got explosives strapped to his waist? Thats what they do with their cursed fanatical evil beliefs.

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    les, les if's and buts
    you've just said a officer told you what he did was wrong and you cant admit your wrong

    if another country invaded the UK would you join a resistance group ?

  25. #25
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    If you read it correctly you will see he changed his mind Joe
    I am not wrong YOU are in denial that nearly everyone of the forum doesn't take your point of view-sorry Joe ya lost this one.
    All you do is quote facts and figures etc etc,The law states this blah blah blah.
    Sometimes laws are not fit for purpose,jailing old lady for non-payment of council tax yet on same day releasing pedophile-your way of thinking would concur that that is correct-it's the law Joe but most of the public and i bet close to 100% on this forum would say that's .......s!
    Let's alter the argument,say if some local nutter fell out with you and threatened to do away with your family,they hated you that much and all you stood for,so they attack you but you manage to all but wipe them out,one guy is left wounded and he swears he will be back to get his revenge-you have an option to 100% remove that threat-would you do it to protect you and your family or would you let him off,knowing he may return to get you all?
    i know what i would do

  26. #26
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    if another country invaded the UK would you join a resistance group ?
    I would beg to join the British Army

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    err sorry les, most if not everyone on here says he was wrong to kill him,

    as for my point of view, what is my point of view ? if your talking about should he do time, how many have said he shouldn't ? you , dedworth and a few others, that's not everyone

    how many have signed the petition ? i bet nowhere near the number that signed the virgin train one I'm so wrong that 60m have signed it

    pls les no fantasy stories of if's and but's, tell me why the jury of 7 officers was wrong ? surely they know better than you or me

    they could have found him not guilty ?

  28. #28
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    My god Joe you don't read posts very well do you,I just explained about many laws being .......s-they had to follow the rules but just for once they could have let this go.
    You are are stickler for laws were you a traffic warden in an earlier life?
    you have not answered the question i put to you in reguarding what you would do?
    I presume you have no problem with the Apache trying to take him out?
    At the end of the day Joe I care about our armed forces,their welfare comes before any Islamic nutters who don't reguard any laws.
    Here have a read of this!

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    would you really les, you think you could really kill someone ? your not playing medal of honor or call of duty now

    I'd do what 99% of other people would do, get the cops, he would get locked up and move away

    so you say you care and there are no rules in war, i would have thought that wouldn't be a good thing, why would anyone take prisoners then, you would just kill them, like you've said they can't try and kill you again. but there was over a 100,000 British prisoners of war in WW2, why didnt the Japs and germans kill them

  30. #30
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Yes if it was my family or him i would take him out no problem 100%

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