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I really don't understand some of the people on this forum. The marine executed a wounded man in cold blood. The British Army WAS on a moral plateau higher than the enemy, in this case The Taliban, which thanks to the stupidity of this one marine has now been eroded. Cold blooded murder of any sort is a crime and when found guilty in a court of law, should be punishable. Nobody, soldier or whatever should be considered above the law.
Article three of the Geneva convention rules that members of the armed forces who have laid down their arms or who cannot fight due to sickness, wounds or detention should be "treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria".
To this end, it is prohibited to pass sentences on prisoners or carry out executions without a constituted court judgement. Prisoners may not be harmed, degraded, humiliated or taken hostage.
Under the convention, the wounded and sick should be collected and cared for by an impartial humanitarian body, such as the Red Cross.
Anybody who thinks that is wrong, in my mind, is no better than the likes of the Nazis or Japanese who treated jews and our soldiers so badly during the second world war and must have a complete lack of compassion for fellow human beings.