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I was visiting my sis n law with my g/f yesterday and she has a wee fishball stall outside her sari sari store. Well I was sitting down next to the stall and this old grandpa came along with his grand daughter and both of them were dressed in rags. Man did I feel sorry for those folks.
Anyway the ol' boy pulled out 20 pesos from his pocket - thats all he had - and bought the little girl some fishball, she looked so hungry and pitiful. Well she sat on the curb and scoffed the fishball so I got up and bought a bottle of coke and gave it to her and the smile she gave back was a picture LOL. I also handed her 15 pesos which she promptly went back and bought more fishball with, and gave some to her grandad. I sat back down on my chair and she came running over and kissed me on the cheek and said thankyou lol.
We in the west take so much for granted. We don,t know just how lucky we are are, to see how people live over here just makes me feel rather sad. I could sit there all day and do that for the kids coz it makes me feel good to see that I,ve given a little happiness although not much in money terms to a little kid.