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Thread: new visa4uk website

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    new visa4uk website

    Good evening,

    My wife is applying for a spouse visa on the new VISA4UK website.

    Under the section "family details".
    Are the questions current passport, nationality, family names , mother, father and children about Daisy or myself? My wife has one child and he will stay with my wife's family in the Philippines. He will be getting cared for by her parents so what do we answer to the question "Does she have any dependent Children?"

    Under the section "Sponsor Details", What is their relationship to you? Husband and Wife are not there and the closest is "Other Relative"?

    There is so little guidance on the new website......



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Hi Kev, welcome to Filipino UK

    The new online application website is very different to the the old one. There's been many issues to resolve.

    Right now there are too many permutations for anyone to go through all possibilities. Sorry can't be too much help on specific questions.

    That 'Personal Details' Form VAF4A is a generic 'one-size-fits-all' form which all applicants complete.

    Your wife needs to complete it solely for HER details unless where specifically stated otherwise.

    You're right that the Sponsor Details realtionship drop down menu does not include anything for Husband, Wife, Fiance(e), civil partner etc which does seem odd and is extremely confusing and frustrating.

    On the paper forms it does state:-
    ..The sponsor is the relative that you will live with and be dependant on in the United Kingdom
    So it's possible that the correct selection from the drop down menu is 'Other Relative' but it's not clear at all..IMGO

    I think your best approach is with a phone call to UKBA for a definitive answer.

    Any feedback from your side on their response would be helpful.

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