Joe and and are like Dr.Who travelling back to the past,trouble is they keep skipping past the worst government we have had in living memory led by Blair/brown.
It amazes me this working class crap.
It seems Andy And Joe want everything giving to people.
I am totally working class,i get off me .... and work hard,always have done always will,I don't expect handouts-realise through poor goverment and all the mess Labour created we were sunk.
now you blame the present Goverment for the problems labour created.
Ok Andy give me your credit cards-I will go crazy for the next few years,borrowing,spending what you haven't got and then say your a clown when I return your cards to you and you have to tighten your belt for next few years.
I will say c'mon Andy your not clearing your debt quick enough

That's the reality my friend.