Keith - Administrator
have one of those back pet
A place for everything, everything in its place.
Man with big cock.....
Hmmm, interesting that you're the first to reply dear friend ........
No offence. Joke lang
Mine's got more red than that. Looks more of a fighter![]()
Reminds me of a few years back i used to keep chickens. As i also hatched a few, we ended up with 4 cockerels (bantams as it happens).
Although we live in a country area my next door neighbour complained about the noise of the 4 cockeralls by posting a note through the door moaning how she could no longer sleep at night and demanding i do something about it.
So the same morning i went out, wrung their necks and took them round to the neighbour saying "there you are, what would you like me to do with them?". The neighbour, being an animal lover apparently, was absolutely horrified and said she just wanted me to get rid of them. To which i replied "what did you want me to do ... take them to a rest home or something?"
Unfortunately she had the last laugh as the cockerels , although little, were fierce little things, and had for years kept the foxes away. I didn't realise this at the time but soon found out as the next two nights, all 10 of my hens were killed by the foxes. I gave up keeping chickens after that but it always makes me chuckle when i remember the expression on my irate neighbours face.
A little bit off topic but i thought you all might find it amusing.
Picture of a Black Cock
Came across this article a few months ago and thought.... na, only Keith could get away with such a title!
Their muscles, bones and internal organs are black
There's a whole market out there for exotic breeds of chickens. As in livestock that can cost you anywhere from $50 a bird to thousands of dollar for a pair. But the king of the expensive fowl would have to be the Indonesian chicken breed Ayam Cemani, which will run you $2,500 a pop.
See also:
- A Hipster's Guide to Farm Animals
- Hipster Farmers Are Abandoning Their Chickens, Flooding Animal Shelters
In case you couldn't tell by the price tag, these aren't your friendly neighborhood hipster chickens. These birds are extremely rare and difficult to breed, according to Paul Bradshaw of Florida's Greenfire Farms. Greenfire will be the first breeder to have these chickens in the United States., though the birds won't be available until spring 2014.
So what's so special about this breed? Well, a lot of the draw is aesthetic. The Ayam Cemani chickens are entirely black, from their combs to their muscles, bones, and internal organs.
"They're stunningly beautiful, like staring into a black hole," Bradshaw told Food + Wine Magazine.
The birds have been known to carry a high value in Indonesia, where they are believed to have mystical powers. Their beautiful, ink-colored feathers also are highly prized because of their shimmer and metallic, colorful sheen. "Ayam" is the Indonesian word for chicken, while "Cemani" means "completely black" in Javanese, the language of the people from the central and eastern part of the island of Java. The breed was imported into Europe in 1998 and is related to the Swedish Black Chicken.
First Bantams were a Christmas present from my mum and dad in 1974. I was 7yrs old and that is all that i wantedA cock (Jock) and two hens. She still says that it was the cheapest Christmas present that they ever bought me, as my dad gave the guy a half bottle of whiskey in exchange. Short term maybe but over the next 9 years she bought the feeds and i sold her the eggs
The cockerels were feisty and could fly quite long distances if their wings were not clipped. The day i got Jock he flew into the neighbors trees and it took us 2 weeks catch him. No i didn't cry!
Here`s a Proper BLACK COCK. Its very big as well.
Another cock pub!
My nookie days are over
My pilot light is out
What used to be my sex appeal
Is now my water spout.
Time was when, on its own accord
From my trousers it would spring
But now I've got a full-time job
To find the blasted thing.
It used to be embarrassing
The way it would behave
For every single morning
It would stand and watch me shave.
Now as old age approaches
It sure gives me the blues
To see it hang its little head
And watch me tie my shoes.
Brilliant, but not true!
Well at least this thread has managed to stay on topic![]()
Keith - Administrator
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