Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
how long did it take you to drink, what, less than half a pint of milk ? what did they give you to drink thru ?

in those days of high unemployment, and parents having low paid jobs and latch key kids, for some kids, the school milk and free school dinner could be the only decent food they got.

they still have free school dinners today, and lunch being £8 a week for me little gal, i can see how some families on benefits or low pay struggle

as a virtual vegan , of near 25 years, i'm still alive i think , in those 25yrs not had meat, fish or eggs

thatcher took the milk away to save not to save the kids
To tell you the truth i don't really remeber just what my mum said that when it happened that day as a tiny kid i got more play time. I was lucky I was well fed as i think every one at my school was, i think even back in them days the mums in our area were worried if the milk in our area was semi skimmed or fully skimmed etc.
If anything it should have been given to those who needed it, like the daft thing imo opnion of giving child allowance to all family regardless of income. Many families who lived in our fairly well off area most likely used the money for treats or holidays not to ensure the kids were fed,clothed and kept warm.

Recently i have had the privillige to go to some of the academys and schools in areas of london where their are mainly low income families. The teachers work hard to ensure they are fed, some of the parents have such basic english language skills they have trouble filling in forms or knowing they exist. Many of the kids only food is at school as you say.