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Thread: TB Screening

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
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    TB Screening

    Does anyone know how much the TB test costs and how long it takes to get the results with certificate after the test please?

    Going to use this one:
    Manila - International Organization for Migration (IOM)
    IOM Health Centre
    15th Floor Trafalgar Plaza,
    105 H.V. dela Costa Street,
    Salcedo Village,
    Makati City 1227,
    Metro Manila


  2. #2
    Trusted Member
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    TB is a major health problem in the world, with around 9,000 cases reported in the UK each year. Many of these come from countries with a high number of cases, such as the Philippines.

    It has proved better to attempt “ pre-entry “ TB screening as part of the visa application process for people planning to come to the UK for over 6 months. The Philippines is one of the countries for which this applies.

    The fee for screening is 3200 pesos. It involves clinical examination, taking a chest X-ray, and interpretation ( by radiographer and medically trained radiologist ) of the results. This should take no more than an hour.

    Chest X-ray is useful, but has limitations. It neither proves TB on its own, nor does it detect some serious chest conditions like small cancers or blood clots.

    If the X-ray is abnormal, and / or there are symptoms such as a cough, there may be further tests ( repeat X-ray, sputum examination ) for additional charge(s). While normally the results and certificate should be available in 24 hours, sputum testing needs two months' culture for “ TB bugs “.

    If TB is diagnosed, the clinic doctor will advise on treatment. This will cost more, and must be completed with the correct antibiotics over a 6 month period. A certificate would be given after successful treatment.

    The International Organization for Migration Health Centre in Makati City is the ONLY approved test clinic in the Philippines. This may be inconvenient and expensive, but TB is such a serious condition that it must either be ruled out with confidence, or treated effectively.

    There is much information on TB in the Forum in addition to this section. Have a look at “ Health Issues “ , and elsewhere if you use the “ search “ function ( top right hand corner ).

  3. #3
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    She can get the result an hour after the xray test

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
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    thank you for the info.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    There's only one clinic you can use.
    Thats the UKBA approved clinic in Manila. Period.

    If there are any doubts get an X-ray done somewhere local. Much cheaper and saves the travel to Manila. Then if all clear get the Manila clinic all clear certificate.
    Just my 2 centavos ... No offence intended

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