Hi! I'm Stephen,
Could anyone please, help!
Previously we successfully applied for 2 six month visitor Visas (2012 & 2013) during these visits my partner left her daughter with her grandparents, mainly due to her only being 3 & 4 years old, in our recent application my partner applied for herself and her daughter, in the application we noted the grandparents are now, not in the best of health to care for a 5 year old and during the previous six month visits my partner did miss her daughter immensely also we noted this would be the last opportunity for my partner to apply for an extended visa as her daughter would be in full time education next year and she would governed by school holidays however this application was refused on the following grounds….
The Decision
You are applying to visit the UK for a 6 month period. This will be your 3rd 6 month visit in as many years. The immigration rules for visitors are quite clear that a genuine visitor to the UK must not intend to live for extended periods in the UK through frequent or successive visits ‘ . Given you have spent 6 months in the UK in each of the last 2 years and are proposing to do the same this year. These lengthy visits, while complying with the terms of leave, lead me to believe you have taken up’ De Facto’ residence in the UK for large proportions of the year and intend to keep doing this indefinitely. This is not permitted under immigration rules. Given this pattern of behavior I am not satisfied as to your intentions for visiting the UK or that you do not intend to live in the UK through frequent or successive visits as required under paragraph 41(1) & (11) of the immigration rules.
I have therefore refused your application because I am not satisfied, on the balance of probabilities, that you meet all the requirements of the relevant paragraphs of the UK immigration rules.
Has any members experienced this type refusal?
What are your thoughts, do you think it will now be a waste of time to apply for a one month visitor’s visa?
In our previous and this application I have proved I have more than sufficient funds (cash in the bank) to cover all expenses and prove my partner has no need to work (in the UK or the Philippines).
Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thank You.