i attached a photo .. not sure if it will show but yayy!!!
we will be preparing for our flr soon..
can u guys give us advice?? and about financial req. again he is self employed should i also send
12 months bank statement and otherself employed financial docs that i submitted last time in my visa processing.
thats all am unsure about but the rest is ok ... thank you in advance
Nice happy photo April
Thank you for sharing.......and many congratulations
For you FLR just provide the same financials as you did for your entry Visa.
Be sure to include any updated financials too
You shouldn't have any issues.
Nice happy photo April
Thank you for sharing.......and many congratulations
For you FLR just provide the same financials as you did for your entry Visa.
Be sure to include any updated financials too
You shouldn't have any issues.
thank you mr terpe hehehe
If love doesn’t require some sort of sacrifice on our part, we probably aren’t loving the person at all.