Drove past the local food bank the other day (Think I posted about this), and whilst the place does a great job, there they were outside, can of strong alcohol in one hand, cigarette in the other.
One well known local "character" - an older looking man, pushing 60 I'd guess who has a green Mohican cut, he was leaning over the railings to treat the motorists to him spitting a long trail into the road.
Now it would be easy to say "Oh they have plenty of money to smoke and drink all day - distinct lack of working, and who the blazes would employ a bloke with a Mohican", but take a step back. Maybe many are alcoholic through hitting bad times and turning to this to cope - then it's a drug which will take precedent over food?
I don't know the answer.
Then they can join some of the other inhabitants of this delightful town (Just like other towns all over the country though)
How about the thin crazy eyed man who approaches people in Alexandra Street outside the bookmakers nearly every evening physically stopping people and demanding 85p for the bus home.
Special mention to the hatchet faced bag who approaches people all sodding day in town "excuse me love, excuse me love, have you got 56p for the bus home".
Her boyfriend is just a few steps behind keeping check. She does this to supplement her income, and can probably earn a decent amount this way.
Currently she's pregnant - amazing someone actually wanted to do that with her