i don't think it will happen as Cameron is Pro EU
A 75,000-a-year cap on the number of EU migrants to the UK will not happen, the business secretary has told the BBC.
read more here .. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25484456
i don't think it will happen as Cameron is Pro EU
A 75,000-a-year cap on the number of EU migrants to the UK will not happen, the business secretary has told the BBC.
read more here .. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-25484456
it will not bother me one bit if he thinks it will harm the image of britain
Clegg is a knob
they all are knobs i must say
Obviously the tories are on the back foot and running scared of ukip. Too little too late.
DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Contempt for voters' views on immigration
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/columnist...#ixzz2oHtp63qG
This is what happens when you put the hairbrained and the senile from minority bleeding heart parties into positions of responsibility.
Personally I couldn't give a damn what other (especially parasitic) countries think of Britain, as long as those who live here are permitted to do so in the way that suits US, the majority native population.![]()
For a very long time, the governments of every shade have treated the views of the electorate with complete and utter contempt.
There was a minor but significant backlash a few years ago, when some people (Many of whom were frightened pensioners, tempted by some very clever marketing) started voting for the BNP.
The other parties screamed from the rooftops......how DARE the people vote for opinions other than ours!
That protest thankfully was short, however there remains the underlying issue. The parties will treat the electorate at best as peasants, simply because unlike some countries, the people in this country are too lazy to get off their backsides and do something about making the views of the majority count.
If for example (This is only an example) enough working class people who believed in public whippings and capital punishment were to join the Labour party, then it would soon be official Labour policy to reintroduce hanging.
Local parties who choose and select candidates, and the sum total of which make up the national party, actually are all over the country stretched very thin and struggle to get members.
Don't like the government - well join up and change things.
Frankly, this is what the holders of minority views count on. They tend to be most active and get their views into policy.
It's the old saying - we get the government we deserve.
if Britain tried to regain some control of its borders.
well we should have full control of our borders, just my thoughts
The tories wont gain any votes by letting the bulgarians and romanians in. The tory party is falling apart at the seems. Half want to close the borders and Cameron wants to stay in Europe. Looks like Sir Alex's party will win.![]()
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