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  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The phrase would be "tired", hate all the political lies in the Philippines especially when politicians steal from people who are literally left nothing then they go on TV complaining when they are caught.
    What surprises me is the total naivety at how these so called trusted charities allow Foreign Politicians the world over any control of generously raised funds??
    They obviously cannot be trusted to distribute the money and goods on behalf of the public that donate!
    There is corruption and bent politicians in the Philippines??? DUH!!!The country is famous for it,has been for years.
    There are lots of Foreign expats and decent Filipino`s alike that have raised funds that are smart enough to physically deliver the goods to those affected..
    These are the people that I will donate to... The big charities obviously cannot be trusted.
    Makes me mad!

  2. #2
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    NGO a no Go

    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    What surprises me is the total naivety at how these so called trusted charities allow Foreign Politicians the world over any control of generously raised funds??
    They obviously cannot be trusted to distribute the money and goods on behalf of the public that donate!
    There is corruption and bent politicians in the Philippines??? DUH!!!The country is famous for it,has been for years.
    There are lots of Foreign expats and decent Filipino`s alike that have raised funds that are smart enough to physically deliver the goods to those affected..
    These are the people that I will donate to... The big charities obviously cannot be trusted.
    Makes me mad!
    That very same thing locked up my Paypal for several weeks. Some people I know seen the photos of us delivering aid to Northern Cebu and requested if they could donate. In the same way I offered them my Paypal and made it very clear that I was not an NGO and that all donations were spent on assistance not for my new car or afternoon lunch. Paypal locked my account and requested I send documents as proof as operating as an NGO. First thing I did was explain that I hadn't informed them I was an NGO and at no point had I ever claimed to be operating one. Told them where to park their account and just carried on with what we were doing using other routes. Eventually Paypal just put my account back in good standing with no explanation.

    I am a strong believer that "false charity" causes the stagnation of nations that stops revolt and change for the better. Double standards as we know how much turmoil there was in Europe over the centuries relating to change yet we deny other countries the right. Not going to get on my soap box too much but there are a lot of minerals in the Philippines.

    Zimbabwe also seen some very lucrative British contracts signed previously that kept the country under Robert Mugabe that could have seen things change if the money wasn't poured in to pay the military and security forces. Off soap box.. but I am sure there are a lot of things behind closed doors we don't see and will never see.

    But its the world we live in today..

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