Is their a connection between the lack of respect and responsibility these days in society with the lack of being able to give kids a slap?
Is their a connection between the lack of respect and responsibility these days in society with the lack of being able to give kids a slap?
Keith - Administrator
well looking at what experts say..
'The evidence shows that the most prolific criminals start offending between the ages of 10 and 13,' said Julia Margo, associate director at IPPR and author of Make Me A Criminal, Preventing Youth Crime. 'You need to deal with the problem before it manifests. The biggest risk factor is not their behaviour, but their parents.'
But Margo said a total ban on smacking would also reduce the number of children turning to crime. 'There is a lot of evidence that children who are smacked regularly - once a week - are more likely to develop aggressive personality disorder,' said Margo. 'Hitting a child teaches them to act out on emotional impulses. We need to give out the message that children should be nurtured and taught to manage their behaviour. We should ban corporal punishment properly.'
It is a policy that many doctors oppose. 'This is an extremely important report,' said Rosalyn Proops, the child protection officer at the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. 'Like all people, paediatricians have a variety of opinions. However, the majority believe that all forms of smacking are an assault of a child and should not take place.'
Why smacking is never a good idea
Parents may believe there are occasions when only a smack will work. For example, your child is very disobedient; your toddler runs into the road; or one of your children bites a playmate. It can be tempting to think a smack sorts out these incidents quickly, but it does nothing to teach your child about how you want them to behave.
Instead, it:
gives a bad example of how to handle strong emotions
may lead your child to hit or bully others
may encourage your child to lie, or hide feelings, to avoid smacking
can make defiant behaviour worse, so discipline gets even harder
leads to a resentful and angry child, damaging family relationships if it goes on for a long time.
Most parents behave in ways they later regret – be it excessive shouting or smacking. If it happens, say you're sorry, make up and try again. This teaches your child a valuable lesson.
In a study published in Pediatrics, researchers at Tulane University provide the strongest evidence that smacking may make children act out more in the long run. Nearly 2,500 children were involved in the study and those who were smacked more frequently at the age of 3 were much more aggressive by age 5.
According to Dr. Catherine Taylor, community-health-sciences professor at Tulane, “The odds of a child being more aggressive at age 5 increased by 50% if he had been smacked more than twice in the month before the study began.”
i take it this is what prompted you to make the post scouser Keith
Parents should be banned from smacking children, the Children's Commissioner for England, Maggie Atkinson, has said.
She told the Independent the law gave pets and adults more rights to protection from violence than children.
There was a legal "loophole around the fact that you can physically chastise your child", she added.
Omg these types would have you locked up for even scolding a child
You can find so called experts on anything but that does not mean that they are right, normally these so called experts are just pushing their own agenda normally based on who funds them
Sorry Joe some unruly delinquents need some respect beaten into them
Unpalatable to you it may seem but your softly softly approach would just get laughed at
Try taking that approach with the yobs in gangs based in south london
JI think you'll find that the majority of these yobs exist because of a lack of parental control and a breakdown of the family unit. Its not a slapping that they lack its the fact that most of them probably wouldn't know their dad if they walked past him in the street.
5yrs med school, 2 years foundation training and 5 yrs specialist training to be a paediatrician , plus many years of experience from seeing 1000's of kids i think they can call themselves experts
oh and lets not forget many are parents themselves
i suppose you tell the garage what the exact fault is on your car, or the gas engineer what the fault is on your boiler but then people know better than paediatricians and psychiatrists
you probably didn't look at the last link i posted, have a look at the table, look at the row most Violent inmates at San Quentin and it looks to meinto them didn't work because they are in prison , and highly dangerous nowrespect beaten
also this thread has gone from atolittle slap, i take it you wouldn't beat respect into a child or give a teenager a little slaprespect beaten into them
my misses has had to deal with children with bruises and injures in A&E and contacted social services when she and other medical staff have been concerned as they are trained to do, that maybe Unpalatable to you, but that's the procedure,
as for beatingand the gangs let the courts and police deal with them, if you think justice is not being done contact your MP and complain to the courts.unruly delinquents
this is my last post on this, no it is..
My point was these cretins that join gangs and cause as much bother as they can to normal people would not be acting like that if they had a bloody good beating when they were younger
A type of beating that would put the fear of god into them
The courts are overrun with these idiots and its too late to do anything with them now
You are still allowed to beat your child as long as you dont leave any bruises
This kind of pc bullshit makes me sick
Next time you pass a group of thugs on the street joe just go and try your softly softly approach
Every town has a group of idiots hanging around up to no good so they wont be hard to find
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