Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
What a load of tosh on here You are all failing to distinguish between a beating and a little slap on the legs.

This country is turning into a namby pamby apologistic pile of crap.

I'm sure you will object to conkers without goggles, no snowballs as it's dangerous etc etc.

Totally disagree with the exaggerated comments on this post, beating is a no no agreed but little slap on legs - blimey!

Where does a slap become a beating you say? Well thats self explanatory.

So by the same theory I'm as dunk after 1 pint as 12 as it's all the same
Come on then Les what is it in your opinion that can be defined as OK ??

Forget beatings etc lets just focus on the word 'slap'.

1. What do YOU define as slap
2. Where on the body would you not allow it.

Your analagy with being drunk is a good one.............nobody could define "drunk" except for agreeing on a blood level reading. Whether the individual or anyone else agreed the person was drunk or not doesn't matter. In law if the blood/alcohol reading is at or above a certain level you're legally drunk. Period
In law no such thing as just a little bit drunk not really drunk

With a slap how can you define a level of force? How can it be measured? It can't.

One mans slap is another's thumping.
That's my opinion. I see plenty of little kids getting 'slapped' in the town. It's violence. Period. Simple because the parents are stressed and refuse to provide an explanation to the child.

So whats a little slap?
Whats a big slap?

Are you say a little slap is OK but a big slap is not?