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Thread: Should Smacking Children Be Illegal?

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  1. #9
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    My siblings and I were hit with belts and some other things when we were kids (and I don't know any of my friends who were not hit by their parents when they were kids), usually when all of us were fighting with each other or were reasoning out to my parents and shouting at them when we did something wrong. There were even times that my dad tied my brothers on each end of the bed because they won't stop fighting.

    Once I tried puffing a cigarette when I was in gradeschool and a neighbour saw me and told my mum. When I got home, my mum was so mad and threw a slippers on me and it went straight to my eye. I was grounded and locked in the room the rest of the day until some relatives visited us that night. Hahaha..
    But that from that moment, I got scared of trying things that I know will be prohibited.

    My siblings and I all respect and have high regards of my parents, grandparents, and other relatives older than us. You will never hear us swearing in front of them. None of us got spoiled or became a brat. Not one of us had a rebellious life. But I see the difference with my two nephews (aged 8 and 4) who never got the spank or been told off when they do nasty things, especially the 4 yr.old. We just can't control him and he always get what he likes.
    A sensible post I think. This poster has more that a passing acquaintance with reality. Everyone needs boundaries. Is there anything worse than a mardy and selfish child who knows that whatever they say or do they will not get a smack? I think a child needs to appreciate from a very young age that anti-social actions have consequences.
    Last edited by sentinent; 28th December 2013 at 19:30. Reason: spelling mistake

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